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sorry i gotta hold his hand sorry this is so cringe I don't want to like the pretty boys again but give me a break 🤧
bringing back the 2017 jil era
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jaegermonstrous · 5 hours
I'm gay and tired and obsessed with Star Trek, so I decided to watch some TNG to celebrate the first day of pride. [Not the gayest, but my first Trek]
S2E3: Elementary, Dear Data
Ah, they have spare time. You just know there are shenanigans in their future.
Data and Geordi gonna spend their time doing LARP. Nerds. Nerd boyfriends. Adorable.
Aww Data. So cute with your absolutely encyclopedic knowledge of Holmes. Pretty sure all Data's knowledge is encyclopedic, but still.
Oh my gosh Geordi, gushing about Data/Holmes playing the violin. Buddy your heart eyes are showing.
Oh, Data. I feel your autistic pain. Trying so hard to share the thing you like with a friend and it doesn't work the way you thought it would.
Hi Dr. Pulaski. She grows on me but dang. Her dislike of Data was not terribly well done. I know they were going for a Bones and Spock vibe, but it really didn't land. I think partially because Data is much less sarcastic and grumpy than Spock, so it always makes Dr. Pulaski look like she's punching down. Combine that with a character they hadn't really nailed down yet, and it makes her primary character trait being mean to a beloved character.
Wait. Are they gonna do a Holmes story written by AI? Well this feels prescient.
Dang those are some pretty costumes. Do you think they rented those? I bet they rented Data's Holmes outfit at least.
Heh I love the actor they got for Moriarty. He captures the character really well, combined with the sort of wonder of someone suddenly given new and very alien knowledge.
The plot thickens! Data is excited for the mystery, but I'm pretty sure Geordi is just here to make heart eyes at Data.
Ooo the computer is running independently and they're in the holodeck. Always a recipe for trouble in Trek.
I love Moriarty's lair.
And the man himself! Again, props to this actor. He does such a believable Moriarty, and he's believably menacing, even as a holodeck character, which is a hard sell in Trek.
And I love that Data's reaction is so perfectly logical. He doesn't try to engage, or figure out how Moriarty knows things, he just bolts for the door and tries to shut it down.
Also why can't Captain Picard override Geordi's override? Seems like a pretty glaring oversight in the command codes.
Hang on, do Pulaski and Moriarty have chemistry? I forgot they had chemistry. Are there Pulaski/Moriarty shippers out there?
And dang Patrick Stewart fills out the suit nicely.
I like they didn't kill Moriarty. He's such a neat character. Think this means he eventually gets an armband like the Doctor? A decision which could have no bad consequences ever. I feel like this episode has implications for "Measure of a Man," but I'm officially too tired to think more about that.
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