flovverworks · 2 months
after a billion yrs i added a lil line about my gbf verse.....<3 one day i might flesh it out to something in-universe, but since gbf is so "oh ure from another world? ya that happens..." i....am gonna keep w that..........(also cuz i do think discussing the different ways of magic, moon-enemy & this n that is more fun like this
#stardust speaking !#i do wanna write but im unsure when ill do so#anyway i need to talk abut that one 1.5 moment with that weird car horn sfx after murrs fancy speech cuz i#was thinking about it again due to one of the descriptions in the alterego event#i still didnt check the website btw is it available info why snows adult and whites a kid or is that a waiting game cuz#that.....#sometimes when i think abuot paradoxroid i think about them. that one was fkd up#snow&white r so fascinating to me#snow & white & figaro & oz are even more fascinating#oz who only started learning abut the world because arthur asked things about the world.................#oz who made arthur pancakes.................................#they make me ill. figaro feels like he should be the most welladapted cuz in some ways he IS. guy who lies about his power and age and love#humans and that one offhand line in 2nd anni about how he has cared for kids!??!? dude i need to reread 2nd anni did that ever get brought#up again#but figaro & love is................guy who leaves when he thinks he isnt loved anymore#<-guy who was taught by snow&white who valued e/o the most#2nd anni makes me lose my mind. figaro and fausts convo. both who felt like it was the other who left LIKE FIGAROS SURPRISE WAS UNREEEAAALL#somethings deeply wrong with him i am so intrigued#i need to go reread his pt2 parts like what the actual hell dude#the mental gymnastics he does in one part is ? id like to study u and the twins under a microscope#this is all shallowly/casually speaking about it btw theres a lot of things left&right about all of these topics that makes them very yummy#i think what gets me the most about pt2 is that a lot of it is things that we alrdy knew regarding characters feelings etc. such as figaro#but seeing them say it themself makes me faint#OH MY GOOODDDDDD THE FLASHBACK CONVO WITH OZ AND FIGARO? ABOUT WOULD U SAVE THE PERSON U LOVE OR THE WORLD#AND HOW FIGARO ENDS UP FALTERING DEAR LOOOOORRRDDDDDDDDDDDDD#fucked up family (affectionate)#i need to think of modern aus again i thought about arthur calling snow & white granpa for one second and everything hrut#ok im sorry i dont know what possessed me. i promise ill be rereading stuff soon#one more thing. fausts part in pt2. god. but in this cursed world the sage trusted me...
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judasisgayriot · 4 months
i want to be a lil perverted and gross about fall out boy but also a lil happy and excited about fall out boy why does it feel like you have to pick a side
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doppel-dean-er · 1 year
thought I'd give a comprehensive list on why I personally dislike JeffAnnie because I got called idiotic for it and I see that as a top tier compliment. I go more in depth at the end, but if you just want the quick stuff (since I know y'all like the quotes!!) here you go, but please read the rest of it!! this is an open discussion.
also I get pretty gross in my descriptions of Annie, be warned
season 2 episode 1: "since you have clearly failed to grasp the central insipid metaphor of those twilight books you devour, let me explain it to you. men are monsters who crave young flesh, the end."
season 3 episode 1: "we can't keep doing this forever, kiddo." "Can't we?" "no, that's gross. I feel gross."
season 4 episode 3: "I was just daydreaming. I mean, I've married you at least a half a dozen times. and Troy. and Zac Efron. Mostly Zac Efron."
season 3 episode 16: "but, we love Jeff." "no, we don't. we're just in love with the idea of being loved. and if we can teach a guy like Jeff to do it, we'll never be unloved. so we keep running the same scenario over and over hoping for a different result."
season 6 episode 13: "are you okay?" "is this really what you want?" "of course. I mean, I'd be fine with a dog too, but whatever you want." "do you have any idea what I want?" "yes?"
season 2 episode 20: "the general atmosphere of 'would they?' 'might they?'" "Annie, I think you're reading into some things." "oh really?" "oh, give me a break. I mean, you could do the same thing with Pierce and Abed!" "yeah, let's be honest, there's more between you and Annie than between me and Pierce." "Abed, it's called chemistry, I have it with everybody."
season 5 episode 11: "I'm 40."
I'd like to actually argue with a personal opinion based on a fact, and some anecdotal hypotheticals
first of all, I'm 17, a year younger than Annie in season one. I know people who are 19, 20 even. the concept of them or myself dating someone who is (not only fully developed in the brain, but) at least ten years older than ourselves-
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-is gross, no? if Annie got held back at all, if she didn't drop out, if she and Jeff met in a different way, same age difference and her still in high school, one might say that is a little uncouth, one might even go so far as to say it's gross.
but, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt; make them closer in age, say Jeff is in his 20s instead of his thirties, say 25 (the lowest we can go for him to still be a lawyer). still, Annie's brain wont fully develop until she is 25, meaning Jeff will already be in his thirties by that point, if he dates her any sooner he will be dating what is medically considered an adolescent (10-24) while himself above 30. "but chrissy, chimbo, my love, you're legally an adult at age 18!" if we start bringing the law into this, the post will double in size, to make it simple, just think for a moment why that makes you legally an adult. why is a legal adult not allowed to drink? why would the United States want people who are not fully developed making decisions, and how does that affect their country? food for thought.
another benefit of the doubt! take age out of the question, just look at them as people and their experiences, not by a number! age ain't nothing number, right? like Aaliyah, right? Yeah, did you know R Kelly, the convicted sex offender, wrote that song? Crazy, right? sorry, off topic. Silly me, silly little baby brain. haha. let's look at their dynamic:
Jeff is a man who values the women he dates - rather, sleeps with - very little. "I'm Jeff Winger, and I would rather look at myself naked than the women I sleep with!" he states, so confident and proud of himself. "I asked this woman out 30 seconds ago to prove a point!" he shouts. "I'll be back with booty!" he sneers. does this seem like the kind of person that would think of women in the long-term? that is Jeff.
Annie on the other hand, as the boy-crazy girlish urchin she is, sees every man that comes her way as Christ incarnate. Annie is obsessive, she enrolled in nearly all of Troy's classes to get some sense that someone, anyone, no matter how bad they treat her, has to rely on her for something she knows. Annie is fresh and inexperienced, she can't say the word 'penis' because it makes her uncomfortable and squirmy. pure, untouched porcelain. so impressionable, don't you think? so untainted, virginal. looking for a father.
describing her like that makes you a bit uncomfortable, doesn't it? feels a little yucky in your tum tum?
that's because if you take away their ages, their experiences speak for themselves. Annie is young, obsessive. Jeff has more experience than her and will discard her quickly in favor of someone younger or better looking. if you're into the 'born sexy yesterday' trope, go ahead. I'm not one to stop you from doing what makes you feel good! We all know what you really want, you don't have to hide it, Humbert- sorry, Jeff. slip of the tongue. scream it loud! scream it on the rooftops, or on the streets: "I want to fuck a teenager!!" see how people look at you!
Oh, they're not smiling, are they? yikes.
i'd just like to leave you with a personal opinion.
is the pairing of Jeff and Annie iffy and pretty gross? yes, scroll up, read this post again if you aren't convinced. at the same time, should it be removed from the show entirely because it's problematic and horrible and everyone who supports JeffAnnie is a meth-addicted pedophile who eats babies and fucks sticky flashlights with the mouthless faces of their classmates taped to the rim? while I would prefer that JeffAnnie didn't happen, yes, I just think those of you who are into this are just uneducated and stubborn. some of you, one of you in particular, i'm sure is a sweaty neckbeard with a fedora and a 4chan tripcode. but not all of you, and for that I have hope.
JeffAnnie is legal, yes. JeffAnnie is by far not the worst, too. and we, as mature half-adults, can admit that. I for one believe that you should be able to ship anything that is both legal and non-blood-related. that's the magic of fandom! enemies to lovers is one of the most popular genres! the toxicity of the relationship is not the problem, it is the predatory nature and unsavory implications that are the problem. I think the relationship as a whole is not something to be looked at with positive emotions, but I also don't believe that this type of screen representation is bad. just because something is put to screen does not mean it is acceptable. I think that's something we all learned in second grade, yes? good. glad we're all on the same page. you're looking wonderful. I hope you have a great day.
also, just to cover all my bases, it's just a matter of preference. it makes a lot of us uncomfortable to see relationships like that, especially those of us who are around Annie's age. like, imagine being her: you're fresh out of rehab and ready to start your life. this guy who is more than ten years older than you, who you think is kind of cute maybe, starts to look at you the same way. imagine having the knowledge that every time he looks at a woman he just sees a pair of tits and a vag on legs. imagine what he sees when he looks at you. imagine that guy having a conversation with your dad, they might even be closer in age than you and him. that's uncomfortable, to me at least.
plus, Britta and Jeff are a better couple.
and if anyone responds with that whole "Dan Harmon DVD season 6" copy paste I hope you all know it makes me kick my feet and giggle. papa needs an ego boost, go ahead *bats eyes* *gets hit by a car*
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3rd anni req 15: levi / games (i.e. amogus)
ao3 link (i recommend looking at the end note of this one after you're done reading!! there is some supplementary stuff :^)
note: okay i did intend on fnaf for this prompt, but when it came to it i couldn't figure out how to write a proper thing - so amongus it was. thus the request list i published is a little inaccurate- hope you don't mind, vari! (requested by @valenrien
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“Ready?” Levi asks as soon as I slip into his room. “I’m all set up.”
“Ready,” I confirm, heaving myself over the edge of the bathtub and landing smoothly on a mound of cushions. “Are they online yet?”
“Raphael’s here,” Levi says, running his orange crewmate in circles around a completely stationary grey one. “Hang on, I’m gonna teach him how to put a hat on.”
“You do that…” I tip myself upside down, hanging my legs over the edge of the tub, then pull out my D.D.D. and ask, “Did Thirteen say she’d be free?”
“Should be. Hey, there’s Simeon.” Clicking, then a rustle as Levi turns to glance at me. “You’re gonna drop that on your face.”
“It’ll be fine,” I dismiss as the game boots up. Mammon’s out, so I decide to nick his colour for the game. “Thirteen in. Aw, look!”
Raphael’s little grey crewmate is wearing a halo. Simeon is still standing completely still in the middle of the waiting room. I’m not entirely sure if he remembers how to control the game.
“Solomon’s in,” says Levi over his shoulder, tapping the table restlessly. “Luke should— there he is. That leaves Diavolo, Barbatos…”
“...that’s everyone,” I conclude a few minutes later as Mephistopheles warps in. “Has Simeon moved yet?”
“Uhh, he walked a bit.” Levi types something at lightning speed.
[ Leviachan: simeon r u good ]
[ Salmon: We’re handling it ]
[ Mephistoph: The colour selection here is atrocious ]
[ Leviachan: just pick one n we can start ]
[ SSSime: 1 ]
[ SSSime: Pleas ]
[ Salmon: Could we get another five minutes? ]
[ Leviachan: fine ]
“I still don’t know what the plan is,” I say, setting my phone down as we wait for Simeon to get his bearings.
“Do we need one?” Levi asks, fiddling with a speaker. “We just need to point at Solomon.”
“Yeah, but if he is the impostor…”
“Eh, then we can wait ‘til the next game. Do you want your playlist on?”
“Oh, sure.” A bassline starts up. “...but we have to have a strategy, right? Otherwise everyone’ll know we’re trying to pull one over on them.”
“Eh… got any ideas?”
I hum. “Well, we need to keep track of him, otherwise we'll give it away if we accuse him when he has an alibi. So it won’t matter too much if one of us dies - we can track him better if one of us is a ghost. It’ll be a problem if we both die, but we might look suspicious if we just stick together the whole time - especially if someone figures out we’re trying to point to him. If we’re lucky, we put the idea in their heads, and they’ll start thinking everything he does is suspicious. We have to play the long game, though, or else they’ll vote him out in the first round and it won’t be any fun.”
“...you’ve been reading with Satan too much,” Levi concludes, but shoots me a grin. “Nice thinking, Counting on you, mastermind.”
Simeon’s little crewmate has started running excited circles around a motionless Barbatos. Diavolo is still cycling through hats, but everyone else seems ready. I give Levi a thumbs up, and he hits start.
Levi glances over as the game loads in. “You okay?”
“Fine, yeah. Let’s split up first…”
I get a little worried about Simeon - he remains completely immobile at the main table for a good minute after the game begins, but soon enough he’s on his merry way. I head down to electrical, where Barbatos is evidently already having trouble with that spinning button-match task. I stop by the wires on the wall; I can tell when he finally completes it, because his little crewmate actually seems to jump when he notices me in there with him.
He comes a little closer. I step away from the panel and run a quick circle around him. He doesn’t move for a moment, but then does the same thing, and is soon on his way off to the next task, passing Mephistopheles as he leaves. I soon follow.
The action starts soon after that. I’m standing by one of the data download nodes when the buzzer goes off. Body reported!
[ Leviachan: where ]
[ 13: Electrical ]
[ Diavolo: Haha!! This game is delightful!! ]
[ Barbatos: If you could concentrate. ]
[ Barbatos: I was there earlier. I believe I passed the deceased on my way out. ]
[ Barbatos: I believe IK is innocent. We were alone in there for a while, but we both left unscathed. ]
[ detectiveik: barbatos is safe ]
[ Salmon: Barbatos, it’s just a game. You don’t need to type like you’re writing a telegram from the warfront ]
[ Leviachan: didn’t i see u go into electrical? ]
[ Salmon: Did you?? I haven’t been yet ]
[ Leviachan: pretty sure i did. 13 did u see him leave ]
[ 13: Don't think so ]
[ SSSime: How DO i VOt ]
[ Luke: We’re voting already? ]
[ Raph: Too soon to make any conclusions. Let’s play it safe ]
“Sowing the seeds,” Levi says triumphantly. “Hang on - what if he has medbay? If anyone sees…”
“I don’t think he even knows you can use it like that. He’s just gone into admin, anyway.” I run down and turn right, passing Luke.
A little while later, alarm goes off. Levi tuts. “Comms is down.”
“Oh, what? I’m up by O2. Hang on, I think Simeon’s stuck.”
“Solomon’s still in admin. There’s no one else in there…”
Body reported!
[ Barbatos: What a shame, Young Master. ]
[ Raph: Found him by the communications thing.
[ Raph: Whoever killed him left already. ]
[ Leviachan: any1 got an alibi ]
[ detectiveik: i’ve been watching simeon run in circles so i think he’s alright ]
[ Barbatos: And IK and I have both testified to each other’s innocence. ]
[ 13: Luke’s been with me on the left ]
[ Luke: Yes ]
[ 13: We were both on our way to fix the sabotage ]
[ detectiveik: solomon? ]
[ Salmon: I can’t get the damned card swipe to work ]
[ Leviachan: cmon its really not that hard ]
[ Leviachan: isn’t there a vent in admin ]
[ detectiveik: does it go anywhere close to comms? ]
[ Leviachan: idk i don’t remember ]
[ Salmon: I couldn’t vent! I was stuck doing the cards! ]
[ 13: Yeah right. Does anyone know where you were for that whole round? ]
[ Salmon: Yes?? Admin, obviously ]
[ Luke: It’s not like we were watching you in there the whole time though ]
[ Salmon: Well I haven’t left ]
[ SSSime: WHAtre we doing ]
[ detectiveik: i think it’s still a bit early to vote ]
[ Salmon: Yes good call ]
[ Raph: Hmm. ]
“...I think we’re getting there,” Levi says as we both leave the cafeteria together. “Who do you reckon it actually is, then? It looks like Thirteen and Luke are both clear… unless one of them just moved really fast. Or Diavolo was dead before comms even went down.”
“Could’ve been… maybe one of us should be tracking vitals. D’you wanna check security?”
“Sure. Oh, I’ve gotta do the fuel task down below first. Don’t wanna slack off.”
We pass Simeon on his way into the reactor. I think I see someone already on the cameras, but I don't get a long enough look at them to tell who it is.
There isn't peace for very long. Levi’s only just finished filling the fuel when another alarm goes off.
“Reactor’s down,” I say aloud, even though neither of us really need the confirmation - we're both already on our way there. “D’you wanna take the bottom one? I’ve got— oh. Hang on.”
Body reported!
[ Luke: SIMEON!!!! ]
[ Raph: That was fast ]
[ Luke: Raphael! Simeon’s dead!! ]
[ Raph: Ah, what a shame ]
[ detectiveik: top of reactor ]
[ detectiveik: might’ve been killed before sabotage but there's a vent right next to him as well ]
[ 13: Impostor pulled the same trick again? Really not slick ]
[ detectiveik: i think i saw someone in security just before as well ]
[ Barbatos: That's nearby. But that also could have been anyone. ]
[ Salmon: Well, I’ve been in admin, so it wasn't me ]
[ Leviachan: dude are you still on the card swipe ]
[ Luke: Maybe you should do a different task first? ]
[ Salmon: Nonono. I’ve got it. I can feel it. Next time it will work ]
[ detectiveik: are we going to avenge simeon or not ]
[ Barbatos: We still lack conclusive evidence, It might be wise to hold off on vengeance for now. ]
[ 13: Sure, if you stop using all those stupid big words ]
[ Barbatos: We shouldn't vote just yet. We don't have enough reason to. ]
[ 13: Now was that so hard ]
[ Raph: Makes sense to me. ]
Levi and I split up again this time. I stop to watch Raphael blast some asteroids - Barbatos runs past on his way to the cafeteria and briefly detours to run a loop around me. (Out in the real world, idling as he waits for some data to upload, Levi reaches into one of his drawers and tosses me a pack of gummy candy.)
Raphael finishes his task and goes straight down to shields. I toss one of the peach-flavoured ones into my mouth, then say, “Well, I don’t think Simeon's it."
“Duh. Hey, Solomon’s in admin again. Ooh, now he’s leaving… I’m gonna tail hi— argh! Oh, that’s just Barbatos.”
“Did Solomon get the card swipe?” I come back up from navigation and head to the cafeteria through weapons. “Did the task bar go up at all?”
“No idea. I turned it off in the lobby.”
“Now we’re never gonna know if the ghosts are slacking off.”
He snorts. “Well, we know Simeon definitely is.”
“Hey, not on purpose. And maybe he’ll be better at it now. It’s easier to get around when you can go through the walls.”
“Sure, sure. I reckon I’ll check admin now, actually— uh oh!”
Body reported!
[ Leviachan: admin ]
[ 13: Hmmmm… Solomon’s haunt. ]
[ Salmon: No!! I left admin ages ago! ]
[ Salmon: Barbatos saw me ]
[ Raph: Barbatos is dead ]
[ 13: Sure, he saw you. When you KILLED him ]
[ Luke: So it’s Solomon? ]
[ Salmon: Wait no ]
[ detectiveik: do we have proof of that ]
[ Leviachan: well whos been in admin this whole time? ]
[ Leviachan: isn’t it super convenient that barbatos dies as soon as solomon leaves ]
[ Luke: When you put it like that… ]
[ Salmon: Isn’t that just proof that I was keeping admin safe with my sorcerly presence (·•᷄∩•᷅ ) ]
[ detectiveik: please don’t ever use that again ]
[ 13: I’m voting you out right now ]
[ Raph: Hold on. We don’t have any hard evidence ]
[ Raph: All we know is that Solomon is the most probable suspect, but we can’t confirm that right now ]
[ Salmon: IT’S NOT ME ]
[ Salmon: I’ve been perfectly well behaved and trying to do my tasks ]
[ Luke: You’ve been doing ONE task and four of us are already dead!! ]
[ Leviachan: every1 who isn’t dead weight sound off. what tasks do we have left ]
[ Raph: I’m finished. ]
[ detectiveik: me too ]
[ Luke: I’ve still got to finish the test tube one ]
[ Leviachan: and ofc solomon still has like 10000 things left ]
[ Leviachan: if u even HAVE tasks.. sus ]
[ Salmon: I haven’t done anything wrong! ]
[ 13: We’ll see about that ]
“...tie,” Levi concludes as the voting ends. “Wait, who voted for Thirteen??”
“Solomon, probably.” I watch his little crewmate run straight up into the top corner of the cafeteria, probably to sulk. “...aww. Poor guy."
Everyone else has already left. I decide to do the same and head left to the medbay.
“Don’t go spilling the beans ‘cause you feel bad,” Levi says warily. “At least wait until we get him out, alright?”
“Why are you mad at him, anyway?”
“I’m not mad,” He objects. “Just betrayed. He knew I wanted that pack! He doesn’t even collect those cards! And— and what’s the deal, dangling it over me for a pact? How shallow does he think I am, huh?!”
“It’s like a best friend bracelet from him,” I say, running a brief loop around electrical and then heading out towards storage. “He does it to everyone in the Newspaper Club, too.”
“Well, it’s not funny. I’m not in the market for making any new pacts, anyway. Or new best friends... do they usually come in two-in-one deals?”
“He’d have way too many best friends to keep up with if they did.”
“Guess you’re right. I’m just lucky, then.”
Body discovered!
[ Raph: I found Thirteen in that big room with the boxes ]
[ Raph: Oh. Luke’s dead, too? ]
(“This is it!” Levi whispers loudly.)
[ detectiveik: a double murder? unprecedented ]
[ Leviachan: uhh we really should vote someone out. there’s only four of us now ]
[ Salmon: Not unless you’re sure! Because if you get it wrong, it’s a guaranteed win for the impostor ]
[ Leviachan: good thing we’re gonna get u out first then ]
[ Salmon: What???? ]
[ Salmon: It’s not me! ]
[ Leviachan: who do YOU think it is then huh ]
[Salmon: I don't know! I was in the cafeteria the whole time ]
[ Leviachan: well then even if u weren’t killing, u were skiving ]
[ detectiveik: solomon i don’t think any of us have seen you this whole round ]
[ Salmon: But I really haven’t done anything. Won’t anyone believe me? ]
[ Leviachan: u’ve been sus from the beginning ]
[ Leviachan: just accept it, we caught you ]
[ detectiveik: sorry solomon ]
[ Salmon: What did I do?!!? ]
[ Salmon: Someone??? Anyone??? ]
[ Salmon: Raphael….. please say something ]
[ Raph: I think you killed them, yes. ]
[ Raph: I have to admit that you acted the fool quite convincingly though ]
[ Salmon: Am I alone in this world ]
[ Salmon: I feel like I'm going crazy ]
[Raph: No hard feelings, Solomon. Justice is justice.]
[Salmon was ejected.]
The game, of course, doesn’t end. The map fades back into view, leaving the three of us standing alone at the centre table.
“Nice one!” Levi crows, and we send each other an air-high-five from across the room. “So it was Raphael? Didn’t think he had it in him. Guess there’s no winning for us now.”
“He’s not chasing us,” He notes, running around the centre table, then stopping by me. “Or sabotaging anything. What’s he planning? He’s basically got it in the bag now.”
"He's not even moving. Weird..."
“Very weird,” I agree, then hit kill.
Levi’s yelp rings through the whole house.
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3tabbiesandalab · 2 years
Part of a Family
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Back again with another Bob x reader (Hangman’s sister)
I had an idea that Bob’s quiet, shy personality is actually a bit of a deliberate mask to protect himself from people getting to know him, so thought I’d give it a crack. I’m also onboard with #bobfucks, he’s not a blushing virgin. Hope you enjoy! 
Part 2  Part 3
With a successful mission under their belts, the core team had been given a ten day leave as a reward, and they had decided to spend it together. Being included wasn’t something Bob was used to, despite being likeable, he was a quieter guy and chose to sit on the sidelines, so was usually overlooked. But the nature of the intense training and assignment had built a close camaraderie between all of them, Bob included.
They were all exhausted and struggling to plan something, cue Phoenix’s girlfriend and Hangman’s sister, sweeping in and organising a private lake house. Bob was a little surprised they knew each other so well given Phoenix and Hangman’s previous tense relationship, but he wasn’t about to question a break of R & R, surrounded by the closest thing he had to friends.
The trip to the lake house wasn’t too long and while the van they were travelling was full of teasing and laughter, Bob sat quietly observing and reflecting.
People who met Bob saw a shy, bespectacled, awkward albeit very intelligent and capable WSO and that was usually it. Most would be polite of course but a lot would disregard or underestimate him, and the rest didn’t bother getting to know him outside of his professional role. There were also some who looked at Bob as some blushing virgin to hit and quit, and although he wasn’t, Bob didn’t mind that too much as he had needs after all.  
Bob knew he was more than what others thought him to be. But in the interests of self-preservation, he just stayed on the periphery, stayed attentive and played whatever role he had been cast. It was more comfortable for him, it could get lonely, but it was easier this way. Bob knew the team didn’t really know him, even Phoenix despite their tight bond in the air, but it felt different this time, the feeling of companionship and being included was something that he hadn’t had in a long time.
Bob was snapped out of his thoughts by Payback, clapping him on his shoulder, “Yo earth to Bob. We’re here man.”
Bob smiled genuinely as he watched Phoenix jumped out of the van to greet her girlfriend in a long intimate embrace. And Hangman practically ran to his sister and lifted her up a huge spinning hug. Bob hung back against the van and observed while Rooster, Fanboy and Payback introduced themselves with boisterous hugs and laughter.
Around their loved ones, a bit of Phoenix’s tough exterior had slipped away, she already looked more relaxed than Bob had ever seen her, and Hangman had lost even more of the cocky ego and attitude he had when Bob had first encountered the man. It was nice, really nice and it made Bob miss his Ma and sisters a lot.
“And this is Bob, the best back seater a girl could ask for.” Phoenix said, approaching him with her girlfriend, “Bob this is Annie.”
“Hi Annie, it’s really good to meet you.” Bob said offering his hand for her to shake only to be swept up in a hug.
“Thank you, Bob.” Annie whispered into his ear, “Thank you for flying with her and keeping her safe.”
Bob chuckled slightly embarrassed “It’s really the other way around, your girl is the best pilot I’ve ever flown with.” he said truthfully.
Annie was a pretty woman, dark hair and brown eyes, and her smile widened as he spoke, “You are adorable. Tash we are keeping him!”
Phoenix laughed lightly “He’s not a stray cat or dog An.”
Bob felt a pang in his chest at that but quickly schooled his face, could they tell that he felt like stray sometimes, just waiting for someone to want him? Bob chanced a look around the group and they were all laughing at the joke, no one paying him any mind, except Hangman’s sister who looked directly at him quizzically like he was a puzzle to be solved.
She looked nothing like Hangman at all, she was petite and curvy with beautiful  eyes and a gentle smile. Bob sucked in a breath and felt his heart speed up and he didn’t know if it was because he was obviously attracted to her or the fact that she looked at him like she instantly saw parts of him that no one else could.
“YFN, this is our baby on board, Bob.” Hangman drawled as he introduced Bob with the nickname that had annoyingly stuck.
“I’m like 2 years older than you Bagman.” Bob retorted sarcastically, “Hi YFN, lovely to meet you.” he said shyly but sincerely. YFN embraced Bob, it was the warmest hug he had been given in a very long time and he inexplicably felt immediately relaxed by her affection and vanilla scent.
“Good to meet you too.” she said sweetly “Bob’s your callsign right? I’m not navy so what do you want me to call you?”
It had been ages since anyone had asked him that and Bob’s mouth seemed to move without his permission and he gave her a name he hadn’t been called in a long time, “Robbie, you can call me Robbie.”
A little while later they were settled at the table having a few drinks and a delicious lunch prepared by YFN, looking out towards the lake. Despite the loud conversations and raucous laughter, Bob felt peaceful and relaxed. He sat back, small smile on his face as he observed the group who four weeks ago had been a mixture of strangers and rivals.
He knew Payback and Fanboy had been flying together a long time and he watched as they enthusiastically recounted the story of how they became a couple to Phoenix and Annie. Hangman and Rooster were goading each other into a wood chopping competition, and Bob wondered if they would eventually realise it was both their version foreplay and would ever get together.
“Penny for your thoughts Robbie.” YFN’s soft voice interrupted his theorizing.
Bob was taken aback at hearing the name from her lips, he still couldn’t believe he had asked her to call him the family nickname that hadn’t been uttered in so long.
As if she had sensed some unease in him, YFN breathed quietly “I know you asked me to call you that, but if it makes you uncomfortable, I can stop.”
“Yes. No.” Bob stuttered, “I mean no, it doesn’t, it’s just strange for me to hear it again. I honestly don’t know why I chose it. My family used to call me that, hasn’t been used in a long time.” Bob sighed. 
“But I ah I like hearing it again. I like hearing it from you.” he said quietly.
Bob wasn’t sure where that came from, he just answered truthfully and was rewarded with YFN’s light blush and sweet smile.
“I like saying it.” she said sincerely and that in turn made Bob flush and smile too. “So tell me what about this rag tag band has you smiling?” YFN chuckled, encouraging him to continue.
And Bob did, with honesty and an ease that she had somehow managed to coax from him knowing him less than an hour. “Weeks ago it was like a pissing contest that wouldn’t end. But since the assignment, they’re like a bizarre family but all paired off, even if a couple of them haven’t connected the dots yet.” he said gesturing towards Hangman and Rooster.
YFN laughed lightly “Yes, I noticed that too. Rooster seems like a good guy. Jake likes to put on a show for others but keeps what’s real pretty close to his chest.” she turned and looked at Bob knowingly “But a lot of us do that, don’t we.”
Bob’s head was swimming, most people, including the people at this table, had no clue about him past what they saw, but YFN had already figured out there was more to him than meets the eye. Bob was stunned and should have felt panicked that she might see through him, but he already observed that YFN was kind, and her words weren’t judgemental they were just like her hug was, warm and supportive.
“You know you’re an important part of this family, right Robbie?” YFN said giving him another soft smile.
But before he could disagree, he heard Hangman’s voice “Damn straight YFN, he’s like our baby brother.”
Bob’s head whipped around to see the table had stopped their conversations and were watching YFN and him intently, “He’s older than everyone here except Payback you fuck stick.” Rooster hollered, causing everyone to laugh.
“And smarter than all of us combined.” smiled Phoenix as she snuggled into Annie.
Payback nodded in agreement and laughed “Taller than you Hangman, by quite a bit actually.”
“And way better looking too!” hooted Annie.
Phoenix nodded beside her girlfriend “Don’t you agree YFN?”
YFN looked at Bob with a shy smile, “Yep. Definitely.” she said popping the P.
“See Bagman, all the ladies think so.” Rooster joked.
Bob wasn’t used to having all of the attention on him, but chuckled good-naturedly along with the group at Hangman’s growing frown.
Hangman rolled his eyes and took a drag of his beer “It’s my sister and two lesbians. I don’t think that qualifies, no offence.” he said smugly. “I suppose you’ll think he has a bigger dick than me too!” Hangman said thinking he’d shut the ridiculous conversation down.
“Yeah he does actually, and I heard he knows how to use it too.” Fanboy exclaimed as Hangman choked on the liquid in his mouth.
Payback slapped his boyfriend in the chest. “What! I saw it in the locker room a couple of times, dudes hung. And I’ve heard reports. Back me up here!” Fanboy cried to Phoenix.
He looked at a thoroughly amused Phoenix “It’s true, Halo thought she was going to deflower a virgin but came away very satisfied customer.”
Bob felt a lot of things at once, embarrassed but also not surprised he had been underestimated by Halo and Hangman and a little floored he had been noticed at all. Everyone stared at Bob with amused expressions, apart from Hangman who was shocked, mouth agape and YFN who looked down at her plate with a small smile on her lips.
They probably expected to see Bob a flustered mess, but apart from a light blush on his cheeks, to everyone’s surprise he just shrugged with a wry smile and fixed his glasses a little.
Hangman’s shock finally wore off “Fine baaaby…” dragging out the nickname, “You’re not just our shy little wallflower with nerdy glasses, you’re a tall, smart, hot sex god that’s hung like a horse. But could you beat me in a wood chopping contest?” Hangman asked, challenging Bob like a competitive brother would.
The group burst into laughter and Bob was pulled out of his seat by Rooster and Hangman, presumably towards the wood pile. He didn’t mind he was going to lose terribly as this was the closest he’d ever felt to being part of this weird little family, any family really, in a long time.
As Bob was dragged away, he looked at YFN and like she knew just what he was thinking, she winked at him with sweet smile and mouthed “I told you so.”
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whxre4hange · 2 years
attack on titan but dodgeball hc’s
eren is most definitely trying his best to DEMOLISH the other team
nothing will stand in his way. anything that does will be crushed.
probably hits a bunch of his teammates accidentally during his rampage
mikasa is mvp
well she would be if she wasn’t constantly lurking around ereh
has dove and skidded on the ground at least 20 times to catch the ball and/or protect ereh
armin cowered on the ground behind his teammates for the first 20 minutes and was the last one standing cause everyone else got picked off before him
tries to psych the other team out- “cmon, let’s talk it out- we can talk this out! violence isn’t the answer!” [boos] “you wouldn’t wanna hit me, would you? i’m so weak and defenceless and you would NEVE-‘ [gets hit by 5 different balls]
sasha ate 10 baked potatoes before the game and she gets stitches 30 seconds into the game
she is on the floor crawling around the whole time
‘pls im an injured woman dont throw anything at me :(‘
she also snuck a bunch of snacks into her pockets so she’s snacking at the back until someone gets her out
and she’s still snacking on the sidelines #girboss
connie does not understand what is going on, he thinks it’s catch, so he keeps throwing it at his teammates
and he’s like :’o when everyone yells at him
“ur just mad because u cant catch properly” connie no ur just dumb sweetie
jean wants to be the leader and is the control freak of the team, but no one cares about anything he says
and because eren is not petty at all, he ignores everything jean says and instead gets everyone to do the opposite
marco is the wholesome one. shakes everyone’s hand. smiles and wishes everyone good luck (including the opposing team). is the first one out because he got distracted whilst smiling and waving to his mom, who was in the crowd. yells encouragement from the sidelines. (he’s so precious PLS)
reiner is following historia around constantly trying to be a human shield
spoiler; it doesn’t work
ymir keeps intercepting anything that dares come near historia and “accidentally” whacks reiner every time he gets too close
annie is the true mvp. she’s an absolute machine. but she kicks the balls instead of throwing it. beat up the referee when he tried to tell her it was against the rules
given his size, bertholdt is seemingly an easy target
or is he? bertolto is actually a very speedy player
although he struggled to get how the game worked at first, bertoloto quickly grasped the rules and became the runner up mvp
bertrololololololol has kind of made it his mission to be annie’s back up- always catching/intercepting anything that might hit annie and attacking would-be annie attacks
very good at running, ducking - you name it, birthcontrol can do it!
erwin, surprisingly, is really really really bad at dodgeball
gives a really huge inspirational speech to his team but doesn’t understand the point of it
why throw balls when he has the biggest balls out of everyone? [this was a joke about what a great brave commander he was, not a sex joke. pls don’t cancel me]
anyways all jokes aside, he just stands there like 🧍🏼 what is going on
gets hit very quickly and sits on the sidelines researching the origins of dodgeball
hange managed to invent this robotic arm that throws dodgeballs at an insane pace
but it malfunctions and targets her & her team instead
oh and she built it legs that have suddenly started working and it’s chasing her around now
moblit is frantically running after hange with the remote screaming because he can’t find the off button
(spoiler: there is no off button. hange forgot. in her defence, she made it at 3am on a grand total of -50 hours of sleep)
levi is above this nonsense and is silently judging you all
lmao you thought. he’s lurking in the back throwing stuff at hange #pettygirlboss
some r from aot junior high but I tried to expand on them and add more stuff :) hope u enjoyed
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trappedinthewalls · 1 month
So yesterday that Annie person from the P&Z circle @pleasetiemyshoelaces talked about a couple of times decided to have an absolute conniption over a post I made x number of months ago speculating over Poppy's behavior. She reblogged every reblog acting like they were made at different times, like this was an ongoing thing I'd been talking about repeatedly, and not that I'd reblogged it all in one day cause I was too lazy to edit the first post.
She called me a men's rights activist and had a "history of r#pe apologia" because I posted about this exactly once, because I believe @noehflake , and because I called Poppy a bitch. Mhmm yeah. Okay. Totally not coping over the fact that she's too much of a coward to actually confront any of the people who actually talk about this stuff on a regular basis. Annie, sweetie, this is a vent blog. This is not a critical blog. I don't have any kind of platform. There is no mission here. I'm not trying to take anyone down or harass anyone. This is where I occasionally come to complain. That's it.
For the people in the back. Noehflake is not a r#pist. Here's what happened according to the (actual) evidence (read the Poppyamory documents and the Luxander video on it for the receipts and watch the Victor Burns interview for Noeh's side of it. We already know Poppy's side cause she hasn't shut up about it): Noehflake broke up with Poppy for being a terrible partner. Poppy harassed her and badgered her and complained on Twitter about it. Zena gaslit and badgered and manipulated Noehflake into letting the trip they'd been planning on happen anyway and Poppy asked Noehflake to pretend like they weren't broken up. They met at the hotel and had sex because Poppy wanted to and Noehflake wanted to make her happy (that's a thing that ace people do, believe it or not). Then the next morning Noehflake decided she still didn't want to continue the relationship, in no small part because Poppy and Zena were screaming at each other, so she wanted to leave. Poppy tried to physically prevent her from leaving (which is a crime, by the way) and asked if Noehflake had just had sex with her to "test to see if she loved her" (which is absolutely nuts to think). Noehflake was tired of this bullshit and said yes just to get Poppy to get the hell out of the way, and Poppy was shocked enough to let her go (seriously, if someone were barring you from leaving, wouldn't you say anything to get them to let you go?). Then when Poppy kept badgering Noehflake to get back together, Noehflake admitted to lying about using the sex as a test and in truth had agreed to the sex because of feeling conflicted and wanting to make Poppy happy. Poppy took the single part of the lie and ran with it, deciding to paint Noehflake as a r#pist because she just couldn't let it go that she got dumped.
She also kept messaging Noehflake after this, and tried to friend her on Facebook.
Having sex with your ex to make them happy and then deciding not to continue the relationship is not r#pe. If anything, it's a pity fuck. And Poppy is too much of an egomaniac to accept the fact she was given a pity fuck and then re-dumped. That's what the evidence says.
I believe Noehflake's story because it has stayed consistent this entire time. Poppy's story has changed several times rapidly. And we have receipts.
I complain because this is all a bunch of soap opera bullshit and I wouldn't care if it wasn't being perpetuated people with a platform and influence over vulnerable people. If this were being done by a politician or non-internet celebrity I'm pretty sure people would be just as interested at seeing it put to an end. I'm certainly not going to do it. Other people have decided to do that. But I will complain about it. I'm allowed to. But only sometimes.
So go whine about it to someone who actually matters in this fight. You won't get anywhere whining about me, cause I don't matter. I'm a little nobody. And that's how I like it.
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randomvarious · 8 months
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Today's compilation:
Now That's What I Call Music! 9 2002 Pop / Hip Hop / R&B / Teen Pop / Alternative Rock / Latin Pop / Southern Rap
Alright, folks, it's time for another fun trip down memory lane, and today we're going back to 2001 and 2002, with the help of the 9th volume from the most pervasive contemporary pop compilation series that's ever existed in US history: the one and only Now That's What I Call Music!
But first, before we..."Dig In"...let's get a dose of some of that good nostalgia with the ad for this release, shall we? Did you know that if you ordered it over the phone by credit or check/debit, you'd also get a free multi-purpose picture frame-mousepad too?! Wow, so cool! 😎
Anyway, being that these sets more or less serve as documentations of what the pop music landscape was like during a pretty specific time period, what this CD seems to demonstrate, in retrospect, is that the teen pop that had really dominated the late 90s was on a bit of a downturn in '01 and '02, and its status as the most prominent type of pop music was being usurped by hip hop and R&B.
But that's also not to say that all of the teen pop on here is of a low quality either, because *NSYNC's "Gone," which was the first track of theirs to ever be fully led from start to finish by Justin Timberlake, is really one of the greatest boy band tunes that's ever been made. Minimal, but emotional, and its bridge, specifically, is spectacular 😍.
Outside of that bit of brilliance, though, the R&B and hip hop tunes are just a lot better. And to me, the song that really stands out among the rest within this whole collection is Ginuwine's "Differences," a terrific slow jam that featured some incredibly shimmering and ringing keys. Normally, I don't go for slow R&B ballads, but this one in particular was really something special.
And there's also some bangers on here that you might've just flat out forgot ever existed too. Like, remember that New Jersey co-ed R&B/hip group, City High, that gave us "What Would You Do?" back in 2001? Well, do you remember their follow-up hit that featured Eve on it, "Caramel"? Its remix, by prolific New York duo Trackmasters, seems to be on that vague South Asian fad that so much mainstream hip hop and R&B was on at around that time, and it received a considerable amount of radio play. But looking back on it, I think it's actually been pretty memory-holed!
Also, we gotta give it up for Petey Pablo's ode to his home state of North Carolina too, with "Raise Up," because the Egyptian-sampled beat on that thing was absolutely bananas. And I can't say that I'm all that fond of much southern rap, in general, but Petey's debut hit was an absolute monster. Rather than him having to sacrifice any of his rawness in order to reach a pop audience, he was able to bring his rawness to a pop audience instead. And clearly, it resonated with a whole lot of folks.
And lastly, I think we all know that Ja Rule wasn't the greatest rapper out there, but his contributions to the turn-of-the-millennium pop landscape were pretty important. He got clowned on harshly by the likes of 50 Cent and Eminem, et al, and, as a result, his career was pretty much eviscerated, but songs like his Stevie Wonder-sampled "Livin' It Up" were straight-up party jams that really deserve more love and respect.
So, another highly enjoyable rush of radio and music television memories here. A bunch of commercial classics and a smattering of jams that are a bit more forgotten too. It's pretty much all you can ever ask for out of one of these Now CDs 😊.
P.S.: I'll provide a link to it, but for the love of god, under no circumstances should you ever subject yourself to the first track on this album, which is a remix of P!nk's "Get the Party Started" that features Redman and tries to mesh itself with "Sweet Dreams," by The Eurythmics. Apparently P!nk thought that her hair gave her enough power to also possess the essence of Annie Lennox or something, but good lord, was that calculus completely wrong 🥴. Such an excruciatingly bad song! Don't click on it!
Mary J. Blige - "Family Affair" Jennifer Lopez - "Ain't It Funny" Ja Rule feat. Case - "Livin' It Up" Ludacris - "Rollout (My Business)" Mr. Cheeks - "Lights, Camera, Action" Petey Pablo - "Raise Up (All Cities Remix)" City High - "Caramel (Trackmasters Remix)" Nelly Furtado - "Turn off the Light" *NSYNC - "Gone" Ginuwine - "Differences" Lenny Kravitz - "Dig In" Incubus - "Wish You Were Here"
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September 29, 2023
“What a day we are having…. As a former director of emergency management, I know a disaster when I see one,” Representative Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) said yesterday in the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, overseen by the Republican-led House Oversight Committee chaired by James Comer (R-KY). 
Moskowitz wasn’t wrong. After a hearing that lasted more than six hours, highlights of which Aaron Rupar of Public Notice reposted on social media, Neil Cavuto of the Fox News Channel was unimpressed. He said that although Comer had promised to present “a mountain of evidence” against President Biden, “none of the expert witnesses today presented…any proof for impeachment…. The way this was built up, ‘where there’s smoke there would be fire,’... but where’s there’s smoke today, we just got a lot more smoke.”   
The Republicans on the committee repeatedly talked about the volume of evidence they have uncovered, but they were never able to link their piles of evidence to the president. Under questioning, their own witnesses said there was not enough evidence to impeach President Biden.
It seemed as if Republicans have become so accustomed to being able to say anything they want to on right-wing media without being challenged they thought a congressional committee would operate the same way. When the Democrats pushed back, they seemed flummoxed. 
Comer lost control of the hearing as Democrats on the committee, thoroughly prepared, came out swinging. Representative Shontel Brown (D-OH) noted that “[t]he DOJ and FBI under former President Trump spent 5 long years looking into these Republican conspiracy theories, and debunked them. Repeatedly.” Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD) said, “The majority sits completely empty handed with no evidence of any presidential wrongdoing, no smoking gun, no gun, no smoke.” 
Representative Summer Lee (D-PA) called out the Republicans by name for holding a sham impeachment hearing instead of funding the government and working for their constituents. She noted that 217,583 people living in the districts of the Republicans on the committee would lose their paychecks because of the Republican shutdown.
Most notably, the Democrats called out the places where witnesses or committee members had deleted words in quotations that changed their meanings. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) emphasized that the four Republican witnesses said they had not presented any first-hand witness accounts of crimes committed by President Biden, while the committee was blocking the testimony of witnesses who could testify to actual facts. She also noted that members of Congress could say anything they wanted because they are covered by the Constitution’s Speech and Debate clause protecting them, 
Democrats also called out the many ways in which the Republicans were trying to discredit President Biden with speculation during an impeachment hearing to distract from the very real legal troubles of former president Trump. Representatives Mike Garcia (D-CA) and Gerry Connolly (D-VA) called out the Republicans for focusing on allegations about Hunter Biden and ignoring the very real issues involving Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, who could not get a security clearance until Trump demanded he be given one, worked on Middle East issues in the White House, and then received a $2 billion investment from the Saudis shortly after Trump left office.
Most dramatically, Representative Greg Cesar (D-TX) asked the members of the Oversight Committee to raise their hands if they believe that both Hunter and Trump should be held accountable if they are found guilty on any of their indictments. The Democrats all raised their hands. The Republicans did not. 
One senior republican aide told CNN’s Melanie Zanona: “This is an unmitigated disaster.”
It did not get better after the hearing ended. A fact-check by CNN’s Daniel Dale, Marshall Cohen and Annie Grayer tore apart the committee’s “evidence.” Although Comer said in his opening remarks that the committee has uncovered how “the Bidens and their associates…raked in over $20 million between 2014 and 2019,” all but about $7 million went to Hunter Biden’s business associates, who according to the Washington Post had “legitimate business interests,” and there is no evidence that President Biden himself received any of this money. 
Comer’s accusation that money was wired to Joe Biden’s Delaware address did not note that the money was a loan, and it went to Hunter Biden’s bank account. Hunter Biden’s lawyers say that he used the Bidens’ Delaware home as his address at the time. 
Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) claimed that documents released Wednesday from 2020 showed that the Department of Justice was protecting President Biden. But in 2020 Trump, not Biden, was president, and the official who urged Biden senior’s name be kept off a search warrant did so because there was no legal basis to include him in a search warrant concerning a business involving his adult son. 
And on it went. 
Charlie Sykes of The Bulwark wrote: “The charitable view is that the first hearing was a dumpster fire inside a clown car wrapped in a fiasco. To put it mildly, the GOP did not bring their best.” 
At the end of the day, it seemed as if Democrats had flipped the script that has worked so well for so long on right-wing media. Rather than being on the defensive themselves, they put Republicans on the defensive. And because their hits were based in reality, rather than a false narrative, they left the Republican committee members with few options today other than to take to social media, once again, to boast of all the evidence they have accumulated against President Biden. 
The hearing was designed to give the extremists of the Freedom Caucus one of their demands, likely in the hope that they would agree to pass a stopgap funding bill that would at least make it look like the House Republicans were trying to fund the government. But today, when House speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) brought to the floor an extreme bill that would have made 30% cuts to food assistance, housing, education, funding for border agents, and so on, and insisted on closing the border while funding the government for only another 30 days, 21 extremists voted with the Democrats to kill it by a vote of 198 to 232.
This was a harsh blow not only to McCarthy but to all the Republicans in swing districts. House leaders forced them all to vote for a measure chock full of enormously unpopular cuts and then snatched away the prize of funding the government. Such a political disaster speaks very poorly of McCarthy, who should have never put members of his conference in such a position. Losing 21 of his members in this vote is an embarrassment. The loss weakens the party for 2024: the Democratic ads will pretty much write themselves.
And the members refusing to fund the government simply don’t appear to care, either about their colleagues or their constituents.
At any point, McCarthy could bring up before the House the bipartisan measure already passed by the Senate. Democrats would then likely make up the votes he would lose in his own conference. But the extremists would then challenge his speakership, and that is apparently a challenge he is unwilling to brave.
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distortedclouds · 7 months
I have a thought abt annie being pregnant and hiding it from armin, bc shes a little afraid or maybe she just doesn’t know what to do, and shes a little annoyed abt the fact that armin didnt notice anything different.
BUTT!! Armin knew all along bc he knows annie and hell notice the diffrent behaviors from the beginning,but the thingg is. He just wants HER to tell him, and if we add that its post rumbling after 7 or so years and she starts yelling at him bc she’s overwhelmed that “ r you blind or what??? didnt you notice that im wearing oversized clothes in the home too? That my chest is heavier or that im a little too distant- or….”and then..silence.. “you just wanted me to tell you??” “Fine armin, IAM PREGNANT!!!youre happy now??????”
And she starts crying and when he came to hug her she just pushed him away harshly and after three seconds she went back and hugged him so HARD he was thinking that she wanted to choke him- , crying ugly on his shoulder
And when theyre in their bed after she calmed down and they talked things out, she reached armins hand and puts it on her baby bump and started smiling warmly at the view.
She pregnant with his child. Their child yay!:))
As much as I love a near instantaneous confession of pregnancy or intentionally getting her pregnant, I can't help but be a total sucker for Annie not knowing what to do and hiding it!
I do like the idea of her wanting him to find out on his own. It's a bit selfish (but she's having his baby she gets to be a little selfish) and it's also a way out from her having to figure things out and muster up the courage to do it herself
I love how EVERYONE seems to agree that Armin WILL figure it out no matter what Annie does! But omg I'm a sucker for her being the one to break and actually tell him, because if he DIDNT know, then what!? And she finds that THAT scares her the most. It means that Armin doesn't care about her enough to notice the differences and uugghhhhh
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St. Vincent on How Her Love of Podcasts Led to Narrating Audible’s Rock History Series — and Why She Relates to Skynyrd’s Episode as Much as Bowie’s
By Chris Willman
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Annie Clark, better known to most as recording artist St. Vincent, first took a step out of rock ‘n’ roll and into “voice work,” as it were, when she wrote and recorded a compelling original audiobook, “Words + Music,” for Audible in 2020. Now she’s taking a step further into the realm of pure narration as the host of a new six-episode podcast series, “History Listen: Rock,” which premiered on the Audible service in January. She didn’t write the series, which produced by Double Elvis, creators of the lauded “Disgraceland” podcast, among others. But f you’re a fan of St. Vincent’s through material like “Daddy’s Home,” there’s a good chance you’ll take to her intonations as she speaks into life some well-crafted mini-histories of rock, from the R&B of the ’40s and ’50s through folk, psychedelia, punk, metal and (the arena where she’s picked up her three Grammys) alternative rock.
Variety spoke with her about her love for the medium and some of the genres and artists covered in the new series, which can be found here.
Was doing the autobiographical audiobook a few years ago the thing that was a gateway drug into narrating something that’s not about yourself?
No. I mean, honestly, I probably listen to more podcasts than music, so it’s just a genre and a medium that I am intimately involved with and intimately familiar with. So, you know, there’s certain things I’m aware of that, if I’m listening to a podcast, I cannot abide — like a dry mouth. I stay very hydrated. You’ve gotta have that Poland Spring, just right there at the ready.
No, really, I listen to so many podcasts, and I was also a fan of “Disgraceland” and some of the other Double Elvis things — that brand, shall we say, of podcasters. And I love narrating, and I’d love to do more of it. I was excited when they asked me to do it, and I learned things too, definitely, doing the podcast, so for sure that’s a two-thumbs-up for me.
It is a medium that I’m kind of obsessed with. I mean, I just consume an insane amount of them. But not the murder ones anymore. I’m good on on female pain as entertainment for a minute. That’s stopped feeling OK, personally.
Does developing a speaking style differ from the work any singer does to find his or her own voice?
It’s a bit more like acting. The only tool you have at your disposal is the tone of your voice, is the inflection, is the cadence. So in that way, it was a discovery, a little bit, using my voice just.as a different kind of instrument. I found it really informative. I think everybody remembers the first time they heard their own voice back, on an answering machine or something, and went, “Ooh, I sound like that?” In terms of the actual narration part, I had a couple hiccups there. I was like, “Oh, no, just go a little lower.” The podcast voice is a little lower than my, natural chit-chat. It’s interesting to discover that. I was lucky enough that I was able to record it by myself in my studio, so I got to experiment and play and not worry if I messed up on some of the tongue twisters, and to make sure that the meaning of the words was never lost in my inflection.
I didn’t know if you were the kind of person who reads a lot of music biographies or just picks things up through other means.
I’m more of a person who has the kind of stories that you swap in the studio. And of course those are stories that don’t necessarily have a journalistic rigor that these do. But I definitely liked reading the Miles Davis autobiography by Quincy Troupe — I know thst sounds funny, to say that his autobiography was by Quincy Troupe. I found that very, very fascinating, and I recently read the Sammy Davis Jr. autobiography. But for the most part I kind of like to engage with it in a more organic way than necessarily reading autobiographies.
I’m not a historian. I am obviously very knowledgeable about what I know. But this is, I think, a nice overview for people who are fans of rock music, from a very casual fan to someone even more invested. Because you get the real stories and kind of the guts and the glory of the different scenes, and also so much of the roots of rock and roll. There’s so many things that it’s sort of crazy that they were even able to distill it down to what they were able to distill it down to. I think it’s a good, fun listenand overview for people who really care or are just casual listeners and just want to have a little bit more context.
Did some of the episodes appeal to you more than others? People would think, well, of course, she has a gravitation toward punk or alternative or glam, and maybe less so, say, Southern rock…
No — I mean, hey, I learned “Sweet Home Alabama” on the guitar when I was 12! I know it well. I’m well-versed in the classic rock staples.
Is there anyone that jumps out at you from the early days of rock ‘n’ roll as someone especially interesting or a kindred spirit?
Of the stories that we covered, I’d say there is no Prince and there is no Bowie without Little Richard. I mean, he was so slick, and such an incredible performer, and to be playing with gender and sexuality and all of those things at that time was just pretty staggering. You don’t have rock ‘n’ roll without Little Richard, that’s for sure.
How about the folk era?
I’m more a fan of the politics of that man-on-the-street style of songwriting than I am necessarily aching to put on an Arlo Guthrie record. But I appreciate its point in history.
There is an episode on what is described as psych-rock, and having seen your “Daddy’s Home” tour, where it feels like you mixed in some of that along with the soul-revue aspects, it seemed like you might have some affinity for those late-’60s sounds of early Pink Floyd and such.
I think harmonically, it really started to just blow wide open in the ’60s, whether it’s the Beatles or the Beach Boys, and then add a healthy dose of acid into that, and people were like, “I want to see colors that don’t exist yet,” you know? To me that music is very visual. I mean, you go, like, “This guitar’s melting, and then those drums are dripping, and then the bass is all swirling around with it…” I’m sorry, I’m going poetic with it.
Since you mentioned the Beach Boys, you just performed one of their songs at the taping for a “Grammy Salute” special (airing later in the year). How was that?
It was really sweet. Brian Wilson looks great, he really does. “You Still Believe In Me” was the song I sang, and I’ve always loved that song so much. It’s amazing to get to sing the song for the person who wrote it, to say thank you. I mean, I’m not supposing that’s some big gift. [Laughs.] “You’re welcome, Brian Wilson!” But just to honor and get to kind of do your best in front of the people who made it is very special. I did one last year when I got to sing “Court and Spark” for Joni Mitchell [at the MusiCares person of the year dinner]. It’s very moving personally.
Going back to the episodes of the podcast: You mentioned earlier that Southern rock is in your wheelhouse, or at least was part of the wheelhouse of growing up.
Yeah, it totally is. I mean, I’m a kid from Texas. I know the Skynyrd catalog. I’m a guitar player — you know what I mean? I know “Free Bird.” So of course that was just part of the canon. And Duane Allman, I always loved his playing. So I know it, yeah. To me, the sort of current Duane Allman is Derek Trucks. Jesus Christ, what a beautiful player. You see the sort of Allman to-Trucks kind of line. I’m a guitar player who doesn’t care that much about guitar, but I’m just truly just like, what a transcendental player, Derek Trucks. Such a voice. Oh man, what a stunning player.
Glam is something that people automatically assume is part of your background and what informed you. Did anything from that episode bring up any particular love of yours?
Yeah, I mean, I think I always have just thought of Mark Bolan as cool. I didn’t realize that there was such a major kind of backlash against him where the British press really kind of went after him. It’s Mark Bolan — what’s the problem? And I know he died young anyway, but it made me quite sad for Mark Bolan. As far as the Bowie glam era, obviously that is unbelievable and iconic. For me, I’m a kind of Berlin Bowie gal, if I had a gun to my head. I’m kind of a “Low” gal… or a “Station to Station” gal, shall we say.
But I mean, just the theatricality of it… it’s the age-old question of: What are you selling? Some people are selling you authenticity, and then some people are selling you a dream, selling you magic. And I’d rather be kind of in the latter camp. We’ve talked about this with “The Nowhere Inn” [her satirical film that deals with issues of authenticity]… So, I sell the magic.
Finding authenticity in showmanship is one of rock ‘and’n’ roll’s great tricks. And certainly something you’ve been able to do is write emotionally meaningful songs, presented in a way that takes you somewhere else other than basic street reality all the time.
I mean, that’s the call, to just absolutely go for the heart and go for the jugular. But with some acid dust kind of sprinkled on top, it’s more fun, you know?
Anything about punk, metal or alternative, as explored in this podcast, you would want to speak to?
Yeah, one thing from punk that I will say… You know, again, it’s not a complete history of anything. It’s really entertaining, bitesize chunks of a trajectory. But I wish we could have talked more about bands like the Slits or Siouxie and the Banshees or the Raincoats. So if anybody sees this article, also go check out the Slits, Siouxsie and the Raincoats, et cetera, et cetera, forever and ever.
Last summer you finally wrapped up several rounds of touring behind the “Daddy’s Home” album. Any quick promises you would want to make anyone for 2023?
It’s gonna be a great year. Gonna be a great year. I’m in my studio right now.
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sco07ut · 2 years
bbc ghosts,,,, i love u,,,,,
ok ok so my mum n i finally finished watching ghosts and i’m completely insane so erm. rvb ghosts au
carolina is alison (funny) and wash is mike (i don’t ship carwash, in this au im imagining they’re sibs just living together bc the economy’s fucked yk how it is) they inherited the house from their estranged dad, dr leonard church and after a near death experience carolina gains the ability to see ghosts
delano house (ok . if i was going by Actual logic with the character assignments it would Technically be called gene house but i don’t think he deserves that much credit, and i’ll explain this when i get onto simmons little introductory section) is inhabited by eight main ghosts (and a plague pit of zealots in the basement but dw about those guys) from a bunch of different time periods and they all sort of hatelove each other bc none of them can leave (unless they, by some miracle, ascend) so they kind of jst endure each others’ presence
anyway, without further ado: caboose is kitty (georgian noble), simmons is thomas thorne (victorian poet), tucker is julian fawcett (modern day mp), donut is stephanie button (edwardian noble), doc is patrick butcher (1980’s scout leader), sarge as the captain (ww2 captain), grif as mary (stuart era witch trial victim), lopez as humphrey bone (tudor noble) and locus as robin (caveman)
(more in-depth character stuff under the cut !!)
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caboose as kitty! i jst think their characters align really nicely, they’re both loveable idiots who follow their best friends around. i def think carolina reminds him of church (who is annie in this au who basically ascends a few hundred years before carolina is even born) so he follows her around like a miserable little duckling. the ‘sister’ that bullied him is fuckign miller from rat’s nest
this pathetic worm is thomas !! he isn’t in love with carolina the way thomas is in love with allison, instead he sees carolina kinda like a big sister figure and always asks her for dating advice. his backstory is where things r interesting tho i think. in the show, thomas is in love with a woman called isabel, however her father is against the two of them being together, so when he attends an event where isabel is also present he wants to converse with her to make sure the two of them are still secretly an item but can’t find the opportunity to do so. his cousin, francis button, offers to deliver a letter to isabel with his feelings but backstabs him by faking the letters (saying they basically don’t love each other anymore) then tricks thomas into engaging in a duel that gets him killed (he then also denies thomas’ last request to see isabel by telling her he’s already dead). yikes. anyway. in this au, gene is francis button, and instead of simmons being in love with some woman he hears some guys slandering his own dad’s name (hargrove) and engages in a duel with them over it. the reality behind the situation, however, is that gene essentially orchestrated his death. the people he ‘heard’ talking shit abt his dad weren’t actually, gene jsut told him they were. when he then begins the duel, gene tells him it’s 20 paces when in actuality it’s only 10. once simmons is shot and requests to see his father one last time gene pretends to go do that but actually tells hargrove that simmons was dead when he got to him
okay !! so i mentioned that delano house should technically be called gene house if we were to go by the show’s lore. once francis tells isabel that thomas is dead, he then essentially woos her and marries her, moving into her home and which then becomes button house. so in the au ig it would technically be called gene house however i don’t rock w that because it would then later mean donut is called franklin delano gene which is wrong on so many levels. so instead, gene just takes the existing name of the house, delano. yk i’ve just typed all this up and realised that i’m probably the sole person in the world who actually cares about it. darn
finally moving on, tucker!
self explanatory, julian dies in the middle of shagging someone and is now doomed to spend the rest of eternity wandering round with no pants on. it’s so ridiculously in character. plus ig the whole ‘being able to interact wit the real world’ thing ties into tucker’s whole main character schtick
the lady of the house ! in life his mother, chrovos, was very insistent about marrying him off to a richer family to try make up for all their debt but all he wanted to do was become a famous fashion designer. maybe if his mother had let him follow that passion he might’ve made a brand famous enough to claw them out of debt but instead he got an early death from an adulterous husband (genkins)
pat my absolute beloved. he had taken out a group of kids (the ai) to the house’s grounds for a day of archery, however while going through the safety protocols o’malley accidentally let an arrow loose that got him straight through the neck. he then managed to traumatise the entire group by dying slowly in front of them ❤️
again another character that’s just a perfect match, sarge doesn’t have a name, the captain doesn’t have a name, they’re both obsessed with a war that’s long gone, they’re both fruity asf. not even joking, the lieutenant that the captain has a crush on is one butch flowers in this au, sarge misses him but has started to find a new object of affection in wash (despite the fact that wash cannot see, hear or interact with him at all)
burned at the stake for being a witch ! in reality he was just a man passing through the town and everyone Thought was some sort of woman who was harbouring satan in her throat or something. his long hair and curvy form Tricked them all n he paid the price. his death kinda did a number on him though, and it took a while for him to come back out of his shell (essentially after church dragged him out kicking and screaming)
the noble that managed to survive a coup only to immediately accidentally behead himself with a pair of decorative wall swords. unlike the show, lopez is the one that doesn’t speak english while his arranged wife shiela Does and planned the murder of the monarchy under his nose. he still loved her tho.
and last but not least, locus:
i definitely hc that his name was actually locust/lotus but the first few ghosts that met him kept getting it wrong until he eventually just settled on locus (in the same way robin is actually called ‘rogh’). he’s been there the longest, definitely took a Long time to warm up to other humans after being betrayed before his death (felix and sharkface, or lick and face, pushed him into what they Thought was a bear den so that they could escape but ultimately it lead to their deaths while locus managed to get away, only to be struck by lightning immediately afterwards)
i think that covers everyone who has a canon death thus far ! sorry for going a little insane over simmons
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esculentevil · 7 months
A few years ago, @thorinduil made a post asking “which songs make you think about Thorin, Thranduil and the Thorinduil pairing?” Last year, I answered them via reblog and then kept adding to it as I remembered/thought of more songs... Instead of reblogging THAT reblog for its one year anniversary, I decided to post my answers separately, here, and just update THIS list, instead, from now on. SO! Basically: My Thorinduil Playlist~ xD
"Walk Through the Fire" by Zayde Wolf feat. Ruelle
Also “Young and Beautiful” by Lana del Rey which I literally wrote a fic about.
And “Famous Last Words” by My Chemical Romance; perfect for survivor!Duil
Fuuu!!! “Poison” by Alice Cooper!!! Jive, how did I forget that one? Thank my mate, everyone; s/he reminded me rofl while we RPed
Rediscovered “Empire” by Shakira and think it’d fit them perfectly~
“Steady, as She Goes” by The Raconteurs has major wait too long vibes which, seriously, is 100% Thorinduil (especially since Thorin dies with his glue blood...); altho I’ll admit this one only occurred to me cuz it’s in my mate and I’s playlist and, like with Poison, we were talking about these two yet again lmfao and also this fanvideo which got me thinking of S,aSG halfway through it so... yea
AND “I Don't Care” by Apocalyptica ‘cause it fits/these both reminded me I love it
“I hate U, I love U” by Gnash ft. Olivia O'Brien: this is literally their love story
Perhaps strangely, I think “Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)” by Eurythmics, Annie Lennox, and Dave Stewart would work for them--especially Thorin
“Gingerbread Man” by Melanie Martinez; partly because of this video; but also because of the climax of the song not shown in that edit (which is a real shame cuz that was sort of the part that sealed it for me and got me to add it to this list): Thranduil is so the icing on Thorin and Thorin’s so the crumbs on Thranduil and they’re 100% loving hard, fighting, breaking, and eating each other into nothing
“I Want To **** You Like An Animal” by Nine Inch Nails; for obvious reasons
“I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)” by Meat Loaf because, legit, that’s just Thranduil on top of that cliff refusing to throw away his people/family
“Say Something” by A Great Big World because acesout is right
“Unsteady” by X Ambassadors because, after writing “Once I trusted/relied on/believed in you and you let me down” and “Once I had hopes that we could build something beautiful together but reality reminded me that I’m old and ugly and not good enough (for you) so I thought it best to let you go when I should’ve held you” in this and reading acesout’s post linked above and realizing it’s true... I just want to see/read them holding onto each other like this v.v They deserve it.
“Rude Boy” by Rihanna and probably also “Only Girl in the World” by her, too; actually, “We Found Love” ft. Calvin Harris and “Diamonds” and “Stay” ... Huh... Rihanna actually has a LOT of songs perfect for them... their whole love story...
“Enemies” by Lauv because the sentiment is so them.
“Fire” by Wang Yibo because this romance is ALL about playing with fire~
“Accidentally in Love” by Counting Crows cuz it’s literally what happened
“Not Another Song About Love” by Hollywood Ending because, seriously, everything about this song is them: they hate everything about each other while also needing everything about each other and wanting each other’s love ‘til it all runs out ‘cause they’re all that each other’ve been dreaming of~
“I'm Not Afraid” by Tommee Profitt ft. Wondra but mostly just the first part/verse; the rest of it strikes me more as Thranduil fighting depression/Sauron’s shadow while knowing he’s not only lost Thorin as a lover but gained him as an enemy...
“Locked Away” by R. City ft. Adam Levine cuz it’s literally Thorin losing it all--from mountain to crown to gold--and yet not getting that Thranduil locking him up IS him sticking with him, by his side, and grounding him through the goldlust
“Baby Love” by The Supremes because Mizugetsu on YT is a folking genius and I always liked this song anyway--also, it just really fits them rofl and their story
“Teeth” by 5 Seconds of Summer: the “dangerous beauty/love to hate” vibes just work and the simp!Thorin feels--@lady-astria and I were just talking about this!
“Always” by Saliva because there’s nothing unThorin[duil] about it; it’s all them (especially, I think, from Thorin’s POV post-Smaug straight up to BotFA)
“Kiss from a Rose” by Seal because “my power, my pleasure, my shame” period. But also it really does sound like Thorin singing about Thranduil, his lit rose.
"Let Her Go” by Passenger; because sometimes you only know you love him when you turn away from him and his burning home to protect your own... or when you’re dying with a hole in your chest and finally UNDERSTAND WHY your One did that and finally stop hating him for it... because you never did.
“Unconditionally” by Katy Perry because it sounds like Thorin (mostly) and Thranduil grappling with their surprisingly deep love for each other as well as their inability to trust each other after all the betrayals they’ve suffered through; this song is what I think would happen if Thorin just admitted Thranduil was right and a good king for not asking his people to die for the dwarves that ignored him—and if Thorin’s love for Thranduil were stronger than his need to be number 1 or to horde and covet literally everything including Thranduil’s love and attention.
“A Sky Full Of Stars” by Coldplay because, in the canon, Thorin IS this to Duil and Thranduil WAS this to Thorin and every night he sees him there still
“Gravity” by Sara Bareilles; because something always brings them back together—it never takes too long—and they’re always there for each other... even when they’re gone
“A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri because it’s literally reincarnated!Thorin with Never-Sailed!Thranduil forever waiting for his love(s)’s return~
“Broken” by Lifehouse because Thranduil’s still holding post-canon; and, truly, they were both holding onto each other before all that even if they won’t admit it
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mitchiegonewild · 2 years
aot: the mitchie cinematic universe
okay so im just gonna write down some of my aot headcanons in a modern setting bc like...im right. anyways:
eren and armin met on reddit
erens a reformed brony but it’s still a comfort show of his
armin defends furries (as he should)
he also got sasha and connie to go to furcon and at first he was nervous abt taking him because they thought that they would be mean about it but they ate that shit up, none of them are furries but they fuckin love them
connie gets wasted and eats baby food
jean got his license first and never stfu abt it
marco unironically prefers the cafeteria food to home cooked food
levi went to jail for a really long time when he was like 17. nobody except erwin knows why. whenever anyone asks erwin he just goes “you shouldn’t have asked that.” and stares at you until you change the topic
additionally, levi’s mugshot is single-handedly both the hottest and scariest thing ever
moblit is saving himself for marriage and volunteers to teach sex ed to hanges class 
hange has not yet realized that moblit would stop waiting for marriage if they approached him in that way
eren is an AVID redditor. i’m talking 4 out of the 6 hours of his phones screen time is the reddit app. he used to be obsessed with 4chan too
historia runs a pretty popular fashion instagram account
some random guy (possibly reiner while he was in his closeted era) left the funniest hate comments when historia posted a picture of her and ymir together for valentines day. ex: “WE WERE SUPPOSED TO BE TOGETHER” “MY HEARRRRTTTTT. I LOVED HERRR”
bertholdt spam reported his account so he would stop bc the second hand embarrassment...my god...
jean loves drake and it’s everyone’s problem
the way mikasa figured out that she was bisexual was by kissing eren and annie, and then saying, “so it’s definitely not a problem with either gender, i think it’s just you guys” and that’s how two hearts were broken that day
annie and armin were each others beards but armin actually started to love annie and so she had to hit him with the “im glad you know youre pan, but im still a big fat lesbo. love u”
they broke up and then annie met hitch on a cruise, now theyre cute long distance gfs which is better for annie bc she doesnt like people hanging off of her
connie thinks he can breakdance. key word is “thinks”
sasha eats bits of everyone’s lunch
sasha also films tiktoks in the middle of class. her “we not hump1ng” dance with jean went viral and so that's how 900k people have seen jean miming sucking a shlong in the middle of honors calculus
armin is surprisingly good at dancing, he’s most definitely a quirked up white boy
mikasa has a candle collection
hitch runs the school confessional account
eren started to 'come out' as bisexual because jean found him on the r/lgbtq subreddit asking if they thought his feelings about a specific guy friend was bordering on romantic. jean ss’ed it and sent it to him, eren called him, and then jean became a god of a wingman
marco is catholic but like is super chill about it
ymir pulls over to take pictures of vultures for historia
historia and jean got high as motherfucking kites one night because they ate out of the wrong brownie pan at a party and the whole time they were just staring into each others eyes like “i love you. why dont we hang out more. you are so cool. we are divine love from the universe. we should be best best best friends.” they karaoke'd piano man together that night
erwin and levi met when erwin visited prison for a psych thesis he had and they just hit it off. literally. levi thought erwin tried to insult him and then he tried to punch him (erwin was trying to ask him on a date to the commissary🤞)
mikasa and annie are autistic besties
connie is an ipad baby turned teenager
zeke is in a shitty garage band and pulled the “hope you guys like weezer” conversation, verbatim, with eren when eren was in sixth grade and he was an angsty sophomore
that was probably erens downfall tbh
one time there was a lice outbreak in their little group and armin and historia (bc theyre definitely siblings and their parents are erwin and levi) brought it home to levi. he rented a hazmat suit
also, everyone got it, INCLUDING LEVI, except for hangë because their hair is so dirty. levi switched to tea tree shampoo that day
hangë is the leader of the schools gsa
moblit used to be a church camp counselor before he realized he was queer and also an agnostic
eren and armin started dating because while they were smoking together, high off his ass, eren let it slip that he does...questionable things to Imaginary Armin during his alone time and wanted to make sure it was okay with him. armin, also high off his ass, replied that yes, it was, because he ALSO does that
historia has a crusty little white dog named bella thats her pride and joy and it fucking hates eren
reiner cries to tears for fears. slay
reiner also has an addiction to saying “you just got slayed”
bertholdt cries almost every time he gets #krissed
ymir knows this and purposefully sends him #kirssed videos
for one last #krissed hc, reiner was sobbing over his mental health issues at 2 am and decided to record a tiktok with the Space Song audio but then it turned to him being #krissed so he just started screaming (tiktok: )
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anniesfarce · 1 year
guess who but with vibes (cpds edition)... 2!
one person replied to the first one to say we should do more, and that's good enough for me so here's the second! as a quick review, the idea is that we're asking each other questions about "vibes" to determine via process of elimination which cpds character the other is thinking of. again, we originally played this going back and forth, but i've reformatted it to be one character at a time so that you have the potential to play along :)
first character R: i think i have a question
L: all right
R: it's: has this person ever figured out the solution to a mystery novel before getting to the reveal
L: HMMM. it is agatha christie novel or... is it a children's mystery...
R: i just said mystery novel but based on the average abilities of cornley, it may have to be a chil--
L: haha very valid point. i would say yes
R: i've eliminated three but i hope that was right ha ha
L: chris losing his temper over encyclopedia brown: HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO KNOW-
R: that is SO chris. robert deliberately buys him hard crosswords and math sudokus because he knows chris can't figure them out lol
L: PFFT. chris's birthday, robert gets him hard crossword puzzles and everybody is like aw that's nice of him and chris is like ... >:( i know what he's doing
R: would they have been a child actor if they had the chance?
L: no
R: conflicted about if i should eliminate one person or not ha ha i think i'll leave them in to err on the side of caution tptgw emoji
L: that's actually both an unfair question and incredibly good question
R: yeah it's like Related to the canon, but it's not In canon?
L: it going straight to my heart: dammmnnn
R: so a little questionable buuut. okay. does this person reply to texts quickly?
L: no
R: oh man. i thought that was a good question... but now that i think about it... taken in a certain way... this could easily eliminate none of the people i have remaining i don't feel confident taking anyone off :(
L: oooof
R: would this person be a main character in a movie about a sporty dog like air bud? not as the dog, to be clear
L: oh gosh. i would say yes?
R: i guess i'm on 50/50 now ha ha. is your person jonathan?
L: ha ha it is not. who was the other person you had in mind?
R: my second guess was trevor
L: it was trevor
R: WOW. lost that 50/50
L: i was like yeah he would be in air bud. like in an insp sort of way. trevor: i'm so bad at baseball :( ferret: i can play baseball, i'll be on ur team!! trevor: omg
R: it's funny because i was really just trying to eliminate vanessa with that one. i was like it's one of these three i need to get vanessa out she would Not be in an air bud movie
L: ha ha you're right. she would not be. dennis would be i feel
R: max as well, maybe annie?
second character L: okay ummm would this person go for a walk in the rain, refusing to change their plans just because of the weather? wait maybe that isn't the best question to ask considering it's cornley
R: conflicted on this one as well... i would say... no? they would change their plans?
L: ooh okay.... eliminated 2. hope it's a good 2. hmm. would this person take the top bunk in a bunk bed?
R: no <3
L: traumatised by peter pan
R: ha ha
L: eliminated 3 lol sometimes i'm pretty sure i get too overconfident on these. is this person a cat person?
R: hmm this is a difficult question. i want to say no but i don't think they don't like cats. so like no but they are not anti-cat
L: wait this eliminates like everyone i have left
R: oh no! why do you have so many cat people in your list?
L: i'm too overconfident smh. no these r people i think don't like cats
R: ohh oh no
L: these r ppl i have left who don't like cats apparently
R: hurtful
L: okay i think i have a guess. not too confident in it but... is it jonathan?
R: no :(
L: dang. sandra was the other person left?
R: oh, well, no, unfortunately it was dennis
L: OOF. when did i eliminate him? i think it might've been the cat
R: you think dennis is a cat person?
L: i eliminated chris and vanessa and annie for top bunk for sure. and robert and max for the rain. i got all muddled up on the cat bit i was like hmmm
R: robert spitefully going for a walk in the rain because he was going to go for a WALK TODAY, while dennis stays in the house
L: haha yeah that was exactly it
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anomnipie · 8 months
Hello! I think you are one of the most amazing people on this planet. I love it when you talk for ages about the things you enjoy. I love that you care and that you are willing to call me when im lonely and hang out with me when im bored. You are like a meteor through the sky and i love you. You are so cool and I love love love hanging out with you. Being around people normally drains me but hanging out with you makes me full of happiness and life. You are so so thoughtful and accepting of me and thank you for watching endless television things with me. I love you Annie and I wish I said it more because its so so so true. I love the way you squidge my thumb and how you always beat me in thumb wars. Can we go and run through the woods as elves at some point? Thank you for being a place of refuge in environments that are too stressful. Thank you thank you thank you i love you i love you i love you
Yrs affecshonately,
An anon - you've probably guessed who xx
well um im not the best at taking conpliments but um tysm.no but genuinely this will be something that will continually refer back to. you are someone who (maybe the only person?) i feel like i am completely and utterly accepted and u never make me feel like im annoying you (which happens a lot usually). i love when we just chill and we dont even have to do anything. and it makes me sad when ur sad. one if my bigger anxieties is that i talk too much and you always make it feel like u r actually enjoying my chatter! im happy that i can be ur person to feel calm! i love u to v v v much
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