aioliravioli-69 · 2 months
To the person who showed Buddy the turial: you're safe
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chic-a-gigot · 3 months
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La Mode illustrée, no. 8, 22 février 1885, Paris. Robe en taffetas vert-de-gris et faille chinée rose. Robe en faille et gaze chenillée. Modèle de chez Mme Coussinet, rue Richer, 43. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
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ltwilliammowett · 5 months
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In door no. 22 we return to the Netherlands and visit another VOC ship. Namely the VOC Amsterdam
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VOC Amsterdam by Ashu Mathura 2014
More about her here:
The Amsterdam embarked on its first and last voyage from the Dutch island of Texel to the East Indies in 1749, after two attempts had failed - unsuccessfully due to adverse winds. But nothing went as it should. Not only did the 203-strong crew on board have to contend with a series of violent storms, but a mutiny apparently broke out in between. To make matters worse, many crew members had already died of yellow fever, but it was probably the plague after all, whereupon the sailors began to drink excessively to prevent them from dying too.
The Amsterdam's fate was grim indeed when she lost her rudder on entering Pevensey Bay harbour, leaving her defenceless against the merciless storm. Captain Klump, desperate to save his precious cargo, dropped anchor on the coast of Bulverhythe where, remarkably, much of the keel remains to this day.
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At the lowest of spring tides, the ship’s ribs are exposed, and she emerges from her peaty sand grave. From top to bottom the wreck in 1969, below in 1984 and then 2021. She is still in good condition.
A replica of the ship was built in the Netherlands between 1985 and 1990 by around 400 volunteers according to the plans of the original Amsterdam, but is historically incorrect in many respects. The craftsmen used iroko wood for the hull and orientated themselves on shipbuilding techniques of the 18th century.
However, some modifications had to be made due to modern shipbuilding regulations: In addition to using tropical wood instead of oak for the hull and decks, the deck height was adjusted so that you can stand almost upright. The frames were also glued together and the ladders were replaced by stairs. The ship was transferred to Amsterdam and is moored here near the Amsterdam Maritime Museum; it can be visited as a museum ship.
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aleksanderscult · 3 months
Why does the darkling always looks so done in the books?😂😂
If you had lived as long as he had, then you would be too.
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f1-stuff · 2 years
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SF Full Access // Mexican GP '22
"Even the socks are Ferrari."
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BBC6 Music interview - may 22, 2018 (x)
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localplaguenurse · 6 months
I was looking up Diluc's age for fic plotting and came across an article with like the actual fucking worst info on all playable character ages, like literally half of the characters are just "young man/woman" or they're labeled as "unknown" when you can literally look up the genshin timeline and find their actual ages somewhere. Zhongli is literally the only correct age at over 6000. I am losing my mind. Kaveh is almost thirty and older than Alhaitham but he's labelled as "graduate student" but Alhaitham gets "suggested to be older than most." This is awful. I need there to be a comment section. I need to know I'm not alone. What the fuck.
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todaysdocument · 11 days
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Petition of Margaret S. Gittings in the Fugitive Slave Petition Book
Record Group 21: Records of District Courts of the United StatesSeries: Fugitive Slave Record Book
123 Record, 33, The United State of America District of Maryland to wit In the Matter of the Petition of Margaret S. Gittings Be it remembered, That on this day, to wit the Twenty Second day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and fifty four, the said Margaret S. Gittings filed in the District Court of the United States in and for the Maryland District her Petition and proof in the words and of the [terms?] following, to wit, To the Honorable William F. Giles, Judge of the District Court of the United States in and for the District of Maryland. The petition of Margaret S. Gittings, of the City of Baltimore in the District aforesaid, respectfully shows, That she is the bona fide and lawful owner of a negro boy named William Thompson, or William Hemmings as he sometimes calls himself, now about sixteen or seventeen years of age, and that the said negro Boy, William is her slave for life and as such slave owed your petitioner service and labor within the State of Maryland, from which her said slave Escaped and ran away on or about the Eighteenth day of May, Eighteen hundred and fifty four and that your petitioner has not since recovered the possession of her said slave. She further shows that her said slave, William Thompson or William Hemmings, is five feet to four to six inches in height, stout of his age and square built, of a dark mulatto colour, very large feet & hands, has a scar on his forehead from a Fall, also a scar on one leg near the knee from the healing of a sore, had a large flat nose and a large mouth, with a bushy head of hair, speaks and understands German having lived in a German family understands it better than he speaks it, but can speak it so as to be understood. Your petitioner further shows that she is desired to reclaim her said slave and regain his services, wherefore she prays your Honor to inquire into the matter and facts stated in this her petition and to cause a record to be made of the matters provided under it, so as to enable her to obtain the benefits of the Act of Congress approved September 18, 1850 Entitled "An Act to amend and supplementary to the Act entitled An Act respecting fugitives from Justice and persons Escaping from the Service of their Masters approved February the Twelfth One thousand Seven hundred and ninety three" and as in duty bound, &c. Margaret S. Gittings Witness John Hanan
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greendayauthority · 2 months
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Foxboro Hot Tubs at Emo's, Austin, TX, 22 May 2008
"I mentally undressed Dallas then jumped into a 71 stolen cadillac straight to Austin! Where all the Honeydips grabbed the bull by the horns! That's what I'm talkin bout! STING!!! STING!! Emo's aint got nothin to do with whiny boygroups that do backflips. Emo's let the blue ribbin flow like the mississippi! Crooked letter, humpback eye, Sweetlips! STING!!!!!!!!!! Here's to hot nights in pheonix!!!" — The Reverend Strychnine Twitch on MySpace
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Eternal Life and The Light of God
1 Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life. It was shining like crystal and was flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb 2 down the middle of the street of the city. The tree of life was on each side of the river. It produces fruit twelve times a year, once each month. The leaves of the tree are for the healing of all the nations. 3 Nothing that God judges guilty will be in that city. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be there, and God’s servants will worship him. 4 They will see his face, and his name will be written on their foreheads. 5 There will never be night again. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, because the Lord God will give them light. And they will rule as kings forever and ever. — Revelation 22:1-5 | New Century Version (NCV) The Holy Bible, New Century Version®. Copyright © 2005 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Cross References: Genesis 2:9; Psalm 36:8; Psalm 46:4; Isaiah 24:23; Isaiah 30:26; Isaiah 51:11; Ezekiel 47:12; Ezekiel 48:35; Daniel 7:18; Matthew 5:8; Revelation 3:12; Revelation 7:3
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sydneighsays · 10 months
Rest in pieces you fucking piece of shit asshole Satan motherfucker. You were genuinely oftentimes a bad person, an actual terrorist and terrible friend. But I love you regardless.
RJL 11/16/1988-08/20/2023
Johnny Silverhand
[Some of my screenshots]
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𝕸𝖆𝖞 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝕹𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝕱𝖆𝖉𝖊 𝕬𝖜𝖆𝖞
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chic-a-gigot · 11 days
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La Mode nationale, no. 20, 22 mai 1897, Paris. No. 24. — Toilette d'intérieur. Bibliothèque nationale de France
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unabashedqueenfury · 6 months
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Reign 2013-2017/01-08 • 02-22
Mary and Francis
Per mille volte ben trovata sia
Ipolita gentil, caro mio bene,
Viva speranza, dolce vita mia,
Deh guarda quel che a riveder ti viene;
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Deh fagli udir la tuo dolce armonia,
Dà questo rifrigerio alle suo pene!
Se 'l tuo bel canto gli fara' sentire,
Allor allor contento è di morire.
(Agnolo Ambrogini named Poliziano, XII, "Per mille volte ben trovata sia", from "Rime", 1495)
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villainanders · 1 year
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I love tiktok I am never leaving this app
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Monks wearing masks of deities used for religious Cham dancing, Kham province 1918-22, Tibet Museum, 
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aria0fgold · 3 months
While typing up the previous post I just realized a common trait shared across all my favourites and that... their self-preservation is Broken, they're self-sacrificial, they all think it'd be better to endanger themselves for the sake of the people they care about. Head in hands... I set myself up for Pain when all my faves are running head first into death's door.
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