#'was she just super unlikeable personally speaking'
egophiliac · 1 year
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(it probably wasn't actually Idia's fault)
(or was it)
some quick initial reactions to celebrate Diasomnia Day One! it felt like a bit of a short intro, but oh, what a tasting menu of things to come.
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princessbrunette · 3 months
hai!!!! just curious, because ik everyone kinda has their own definitions when it comes to different kinds of readers, what do you describe puppy/kitty/bunny/deer!reader as? what makes them them?
anyway, luv ya n all that ya do- ,,^-^,,
ooo fun question !! ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ³ ᵔ ꒱ྀིა
she was born for the soft life. a highly organised system in her closet, and a whole separate closet just for shoes. she’s not bratty, she doesn’t even know what being bratty is or how to do it, but there are of course times she starts thumping her foot, whining and pulling at rafes clothes. this petulant behaviour is often solved by a stern look, a tap on the cheek or a reach under the skirt to tug at her fluffy bunny butt plug. her nose twitches when she’s upset, and has a big toothy grin when she’s happy. she leaves the glitter from her body all over rafe’s clothes, mink eyelash extensions on the sink, tubes of lipgloss in her boyfriends pockets. she’s an r&b / rap girl lover to her core, and a day isn’t complete without bouncing around her room to flo milli or saweetie. bunny doesn’t have an ounce of shame in her body— whether that’s from her skirt riding up in public (as to which rafe has to irritably tug it down again) to pawing at him, begging him for dick infront of his friends. luckily, rafe doesn’t have much shame either.
be careful, she bites! no really, she does — cross her and she’s squinting at you, sinking her teeth into an arm until you yelp. according to jj, anyway. she’s odd, and that’s what he likes about her— collecting horror movie memorabilia and trinkets from the thrift store she thinks might be ‘haunted’. she keeps her nails long, stiletto shaped even — whether that’s from scraping her money together for acrylics or growing them out herself. she has the craziest oral fixation, always needing something to lick, suck or chew on— that something often being her boyfriend jj. despite the black liner in her waterline, she is still a spoilt little priss who needs her pink ribbons tied round anything and everything, requiring the fluffiest of blankets and pillows for her daily nap. unlike bunny, she does work — having a little gig as a bartender/waitress at a beachside restaurant. she gets super huffy and puffy, not enjoying having to speak to so many people — but her boyfriend gaining a linecook job at the same joint makes things better. she’s deftones biggest fan, even owning a pair of panties with their album cover on the front. jj loves seeing them on the floor of his room.
she’s playful, clingy, and ever so whiny. shes the most energetic of the bunch, firing off into a million topics at once, talking and talking until john b has to interrupt her to tell her to breathe or she will pass out. her signature is her big doe eyes, used as a weapon ready to fire at all times on anyone who dares to upset her. she’s not spoilt, infact she’s very humble and fairly docile unless provoked— she just requires oodles of attention and affection, pats on the head and praise are her love language! she works at the local pet store, often coming home with hilarious stories about handling animals, john b plucking hay out of her hair as she tells them. she has the energy to keep up with all the animals, running around until she arrives home to john b and passes out on his lap for a quick nap before bursting into a fit of energy once more. pup is never seen without her walkman, and can often be found dancing around the empty chateau with 80s pop blaring in her ears, or knocked out with the audio tapes john b had recorded for her to help her sleep.
riddled with anxiety, whilst somehow being the most still and unsettling person in the room. deer!reader, much like a real deer is skittish, easily frightened, but ever so curious. she has a different view on the world to most of her peers, a master in people watching and could win any staring competition. she’s often found with her nose in a book, the topic being either of something completely fanatical, or something informative and peculiar. due to her reading habits, much like her boyfriend pope she is a whirlpool of information, constantly quietly spewing facts into his ear (which let’s be real, is practically foreplay for the two of them.) she has a tendency to get into trouble from her prying, exploring and staring — but she doesn’t mean to come across that way, she’s the picture of innocence really! she likes 50s/ 60s music, finding a charming and simple peace to the sound — and is a mass collector of callico critters, sonny angels and blythe dolls. pope finds it adorable.
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adrinoir · 10 months
The Miraculous Movie was different than the series…and that’s okay!
I watched the movie this morning and loved it! I think it’s important to talk about the changes that were made and what impact they had.
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How the characters were rewritten
There definitely was a difference in how the characters were written in the movie, and some of the redevelopment of characters was really good!
Gabriel was by far the one who had the best redevelopment of his personality. Gabriel in the series is awful, as we all know.
In the series, he barely gives a shit about his own son, like there is absolutely nothing redeemable about his character. In every “what if” episode and the season 5 finale, Gabriel does not show any regret to hurting people, including his own son.
However, in the movie, Gabriel actually makes a better attempt to communicate with Adrien and, most importantly, feels strong regret when he hurt his son. He cries; he feels remorse for destroying Paris and injuring Adrien in the process. He hugs Adrien (along with the spirit of Emilie 🥹) and decides to stop being Hawk Moth. It was beautifully done. He got a redemption arc that he never got in the series. I know I personally felt so good watching that and seeing the relationship between him and Adrien being repaired.
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Marinette was her usual clumsy self, but was written as having no friends at school because she embarrasses herself so much. In a way, it makes more sense than her being so popular like she is in the series. Kids in high school can be pretty judgy and ruthless. So it makes sense for the “clumsy girl” to be made fun of and judged by people who don’t know her well.
Adrien was different in a lot of ways. He wasn’t shown running to school to gain freedom. He wasn’t introduced as being a super model who’s friends with Chloe. Instead, he’s already going to the school, he’s already friends with Nino, and he happens to run into Marinette at the library. He doesn’t have that same chemistry with Marinette as he does in the series which is a bit odd that they took that away, but it does make sense that he’d turn her down when she asked him to the ball, since he loves Ladybug. In the movie, he very clearly sees Marinette as just a friend and it’s shown that he’s building a friendship with her without him developing a crush. It’s different but still wholesome, especially when he shows her the old family photo to her. Plus, it evens it out well since Ladybug obviously turns Cat Noir away but they’re still building up their bond, too. They both get turned down.
It was ehhh that Adrien was a bit too cocky at times as Cat Noir, but overall, his goofiness and self confidence is still pretty on brand for him. He was still very encouraging towards Ladybug but not overly flirtatious, pushing her to her limits. Instead, it was them lightly teasing each other and then playfully fighting. And, speaking of the playful fighting, their bond was stronger in the movie seeing as how they were shown spending more time together off duty and that they were treated as equals.
In the show, Cat Noir is automatically made sidekick and left in the dark about everything. But in the movie, he gets to meet Master Fu in disguise alongside Ladybug. Sure, he didn’t help Master Fu with his cane like he did in the series, but that didn’t matter since the lore was changed.
Alya was less annoying in the movie. Sorry. Don’t get me wrong, I love Alya in the series, but she’s so over the top at times with how obsessed she is over the heroes, blogging, and filming things for her blog. In the movie, she was toned down a lot and I liked that. It was also cute that Nino had a crush on her and just her, not Marinette first. Unlike the series, he wasn’t on that pipeline of guys who fell for Marinette since that pipeline doesn’t exist in the movie.
Tom was made out to be an embarrassment for Marinette which is honestly more realistic for a teenager. Most teenagers get pretty embarrassed by their parents, especially when they still treat them very childlike. And, I like that he went out to the fair to look for her since he heard there was danger. Marinette’s parents don’t usually go out to look for her or make sure she’s in her room when there’s danger afoot. So, I appreciate that they made Tom do that since he obviously loves Marinette a lot.
The rewriting of (some of) the lore
As I had mentioned in my previous section, the lore was rewritten, too. Instead of Master Fu being the one to pick Marinette and Adrien simply because they helped him, the kwamis sense that Marinette and Adrien are the right people to be Ladybug and Cat Noir. That was a much better way to write that, in my opinion.
Hawk Moth got ahold of the butterfly miraculous by mistake. That part wasn’t changed but also, it didn’t need to be.
The change of plot
The plot was very simple. It didn’t have a whole lot of crazy, in depth details like the show’s does. So, anyone who has never watched the show can easily understand and absorb what’s going on (I will be forcing my boyfriend to watch it with me since he’s never seen the show lol).
I like that it was very clear cut and easy to understand while still being intense and meaningful. It still summarizes a lot of what the series entails while fixing some issues in the plot development.
They didn’t doddle with Hawk Moth like they do in the show. He was a successful villain in his second attempt but then realized he should stop when he hurt his own son in the process.
Also, there was a reveal. It was a wee bit underwhelming, but I still think it was done well! It was a moment with just Marinette and Adrien alone, as it should be. And, it was cutesy and heartfelt. The fact that Marinette dressed like Ladybug for the ball (cutest dress ever imo) and Adrien dressed like Cat Noir was so cute. That’s what a lot of the fandom has been asking for and written about in fanfics, I feel like.
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The romance between these two is most important. They didn’t need Kagami and Luka as 2nd love interests to throw things off track. Yes, I like these characters in the show, but they weren’t needed in the plot.
The music
I love musicals. I was a bit of a theater kid in high school, plus I’m obsessed with music lol. So, yes, I’m a bit biased when I say I love that they made this a musical.
I personally loved the music. I can tell a lot of good effort was put into it and I’ve already been listening to the songs on my Spotify. The song between Ladybug and Cat Noir in the theater “Now I See” and Cat Noir jumping on the clouds (literally, on cloud nine) singing “My Lady” was absolutely adorable and super romantic, which, as we know, is a big part of the show.
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Even Gabriel’s song “Chaos Will Reign Today” was amazing! It conveyed a lot of emotion and turns into one of those dramatic villain songs. Keith Silverstein is clearly talented enough to sing for his own character and he did it well.
My only nitpick is that Marinette’s singer, Lou, has a very different voice than Christina Vee. So, Marinette sounds very different, much more mature-sounding when she sings and it kinda catches you off guard. I’m surprised they didn’t have Christina sing for her, but there must’ve been a reason why she didn’t. But, SQVARE sounded similar enough to Bryce Papenbrook when he sung for Cat Noir which i absolutely love.
I personally give this movie a 10/10 just because it made me smile the whole time, and it’s such a feel good movie. I’ll happily watch it again and listen to the soundtrack, especially on a day when I’m feeling down. It wasn’t perfect in every aspect, but it was perfect in a simple, heartwarming sense and that it can be watched by everyone, not only people who watch the series.
I understand if it made you cringe or you were moreso looking for a continuation of the series not a retelling. But, I prefer some simplicity which is a big part of what made me like it. Like I said, I know it wasn’t absolute perfection, but it was so frickin adorable and I can’t help but smile.
There’s a lot of differences but also plenty of similarities between the movie and the show. But understand they’re not meant to be the same and that’s okay! I don’t think the movie was horrible for most of the changes it made. In fact, I think most of them made sense and made it a bit more realistic (as I explained).
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
An Unlikely Duo
Request by ✨ anon: Can I perhaps get a Ghost x GN!Reader, where reader got transferred to TF 141 and has two personalities? Like cold and badass on the battlefield and super friendly and chirpy back at base. So Reader, on day 1, already sees Ghost as a best friend and she loves hugs, so she decides to hug him after a missions success and leaves him frozen and a blushing mess?
Relationship: Simon “Ghost” Riley x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1,310
Big thanks to my ✨ anon for requesting this. I enjoyed writing it! Hope I did well on my first request!
Fluff (the platonic kind)
Want more?
You walk behind him, holding a container filled with freshly washed strawberries. His strides are long and confident, making it hard for you to keep up with him as you walk to the truck.
“Would you like a strawberry?” You ask, extending the container to him, but he ignores you and quickens his pace.
You try to catch your breath as you follow him, but it’s difficult. Whenever you think you’re closing the gap, he increases his speed and pulls away again. You break into a light jog to stay close.
“So, I presume... you’re not... a strawberry fan?” You ask, out of breath. Instead of responding, he lets out a dismissive “tsk” and continues walking.
“Why don’t you like str-”
“Get that damn thing away from me and keep moving,” he says as he pushes your hand away. “We have work to do; no time for strawberries.”
You come to a complete halt. “With all due respect, Lieutenant, strawberries are-”
“Just get in the damn car,” he orders, opening the back door and gesturing for you to get inside.
It’s your first day as the newest member of Task Force 141, and the base already feels like a powder keg. But that doesn’t bother you; you’re excited to be a part of such an elite team and contribute as much as possible to future missions. Soap and Gaz were surprised but amused by your cheerful personality when they met you this morning. However, not everyone on the team seems to be on the same page; Ghost was less than impressed. He sized you up from head to toe, looking for any sign that you were ready for the mission. But, instead of finding comfort, he was met by your cheery attitude and endless questions about his fruit preferences.
“What is this, Captain?” He grumbled at Price, “I asked for an explosives specialist, not a fucking Jack Russell.”
“Laswell swears by their abilities,” Price reassured him, “just give ’em a chance, brother...”
Despite his trust in the captain, Ghost remained skeptical. Was it the way you expressively waved your hands while speaking? Was it because you couldn’t stop talking about strawberries? Was it because you couldn’t stop talking in general? Whatever the reason, Ghost was clearly not on board.
He has the same attitude as he sits across from you in the truck, driving to your assigned mission. It’s a look of concern and contempt. as if he can’t believe what fate has brought him this time—like he’s been dealt bad cards yet again.
But that’s okay; you’re used to feeling like an outcast, and you’re not going to let that get in the way of this mission’s success.
“Yo, Lt.?” You ask excitedly, attempting to break the ice by pulling a purple star-shaped charm from your pocket, “Do you like it?”
He looks at you with half-lidded eyes. “You look like you just got out of a toy store.” He comments flatly.
“That wasn’t my question, sir,” you say wryly, “and if that’s the case, then you look like you just got back from trick-or-treating.” You smile and attach the charm to your assault rifle.
“Take that off this instance,” he says, “I won’t let you and your sparkles hinder our position.”
“Okay, first of all, they’re not sparkles—they’re sequins,” you say, waving your gun around so he can see the charm, “and second, they won’t even see it when they’re dead.”
“Stop talking.” He sighs.
“I’m conversing, not talking.”
“Then stop conversing.”
“Like, who doesn’t like strawberries?” you ask, lowering your voice.
“I told you to stop.”
“And sequins are pretty cool, man.” You mutter to yourself as you cross your hands over your chest.
“Shut it and put your helmet on; we’re almost there,” Ghost says sternly.
You fall silent as you gaze out the window at the passing scenery. The tension in the truck is intense, but you refuse to let it get to you. Instead, you take a deep breath and relax.
As the truck comes to a stop, Ghost explains the goal of the mission: get to the door where the valuable information is stored and collect as much intel as possible. After his brief rundown, you quickly exit the vehicle and assume position. It’s game time, and you’re determined to prove to everyone what you’re capable of.
You move fluidly through the environment, using your firearms, knives, and bare hands with precision to take out any targets that come your way. You are agile and swift, never staying in one place for too long and using your surroundings to your advantage. He takes quick glimpses at you every now and then to check if you are okay. He seems impressed yet wary; as if he’s testing you to see if you’re up for the challenge, yet careful enough to not put you in danger. As you work through the guarded area, you keep calm and focus on the task, finally reaching the steel-framed door. However, the door remains unyielding despite using military-grade hammers and refuses to budge.
You turn towards Ghost to plan your next move when you notice an enemy approaching him from behind.
“Get down, Lt.!” You yell and throw a knife at the enemy. The lieutenant is stunned but quickly regains his composure. He turns to thank you, but you cut him off.
“This isn’t a playground, Lt.; I don’t need a babysitter, and I certainly won’t become yours.” You firmly tell him as you push him aside and place the purple star-shaped charm on the door’s lock. “Step back,” you order.
Ghost looks at you, puzzled.” What is-”
“You must learn when it’s the right time for chit-chat and when to listen to the specialist, sir; please take a step back.” You repeat, and he follows your instructions.
With everyone clear of the area, you pull the cord and duck for cover. Five seconds later, your bomb detonates, blasting open the door and granting you access to the information inside. You quickly survey the room and pinpoint the location of the vital information. You approach it with calculated precision, relying on your training and experience to predict potential threats. The room is full of guards, but you’re prepared for them; you take them out, using your weapons with deadly accuracy. The intel is kept in a secure case, and you begin working on cracking it open. You have a special tool for the job, and the lock gives way in seconds. You open the case and extract the valuable information.
After a quick glance at the documents, you are pleased to see that it is exactly what you were hoping for. Ghost calls for backup to secure the scene, collect the documents, and transport them back to the base. As he completes his orders, he turns to the team for a debriefing, but instead is met by the old, cheerful you.
“LT., WE DID IT!” You yell and leap onto Ghost, wrapping your arms around his waist and hugging him tightly. He freezes and raises his hands as if he’s been arrested for a crime.
“Get off me,” he orders with an unusually high-pitched voice.
“No, you deserve it.” You object and proceed to pat him on the back.
“I did nothing wrong to deserve this, soldier; get your fucking ha-”
“Shhh, Lieutenant.” You cut him off by putting your hand over his mouth to silence him. “You must feel the hug.”
“I said-”
“They’re right, Ghost,” Soap interrupts him with a sinister grin, “you must feel the hug.”
“Yeah, listen to the specialist, sir,” Gaz adds, trying hard not to laugh.
Ghost looks at Price for help, who has a satisfied smirk on his face. The captain turns to Ghost and mouths an inaudible “told you so,” establishing you as a valuable member of their team from now on.
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faulty-writes · 8 months
Maybe some headcanons where Bakugou, Tamaki, and Mirio are hit by a quirk that makes them behave mostly the opposite of themselves for a few days to a week.
Bakugou is kind and gentle towards the reader and so visibly in love. He's become quite the gentleman!
Tamaki is super energetic, extremely romantic, and declares his affections in front of at least his entire class.
And Mirio is so very, very gloomy but he's practically attached to the reader and says they're, "One of the precious few rays of light left in this gray, gray world."
[ I really like this request. Hah, personality changes are the best! ]
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Katsuki's behavior shocked everyone, including you. Being his usual hot-headed self, he ended up in a quirk accident that changed his personality. When Mr. Aizawa assured you, the effects would be only temporary, you were grateful because Katsuki acting so…sweet, and gentle was just as frightful as when he was his usual self.
Normally, he would be protective of you, but now it's different. "Here, I don't want you to get wet," he said, holding the umbrella over you while he got soaked. "Nothing will happen to me, but someone like you shouldn't be caught out in the rain," he smiled sweetly at you while you trembled in response.
If someone talked to you in the wrong way, he'd pull you close and say, "Please don't speak that way to Y/n, they mean a lot to me, yeah?" Despite this, his loving gaze resembled his angry one and you tried to believe that the real Katsuki Bakugou was still somewhere inside him.
"Let's cuddle!" he would announce bluntly, no matter who was around. If you didn't respond fast enough, he'd pull you into his lap by force. He'd have his arms wrapped tightly around your waist as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck.
There was more thought put into your dates and he showed a greater interest in your hobbies. He would take you to your favorite restaurant or spend the evening in the dorm reading or watching a movie. He didn't get angry when others commented on how romantic or sappy he was, unlike before.
He could only react in anger when the effects of the quirk wore off and everyone shared the stories of what he did. "What the hell do you mean I did all that!?" He demanded, explosions sounding from his hands. It was only natural for you to smile because you missed the hotheaded Katsuki.
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"Stay close to me, I love you so much…you're so kind and sweet and I can't bear to be apart from you!" To say Tamaki's reaction was surprising would be an understatement. It was like his hero persona times a thousand when he talked so bluntly about his affection for you. But his sudden personality change was credited to a quirk incident.
"I got these for you! They're so gorgeous, just like you. I…I just wanted to thank you for being my biggest fan and….love. I love you so much! I don't care who knows it!" He said after marching over to your desk in the morning and presenting you with the largest bouquet of flowers you had ever seen.
"Wow, another love letter for you! Guess this quirk accident brought out the more loving side of Amajiki, huh?" Nejire teased. It was clear she meant no harm, but Tamaki's love letters were beginning to get out of control. Since the incident, you must have found one to two in your locker every day.
During training exercises, it was normal for friends to cheer for you, but Tamaki took that to another level. The fact that he shouted your name enthusiastically and formed letters with his tentacles was endearing, but it was also distracting.
"Don't rub it off this time, okay!" He said, pressing a small kiss against your cheek. "I just want to kiss you forever!" he exclaimed trailing kisses across your reddened face. You hoped you wouldn't have to adjust to his lack of shame when it came to public affection.
"T-that's horrifying! W-why would I d-do all that!?" He squeaked out, hiding his face behind his hands as he appeared to be close to a panic attack. While part of you missed the proud and outspoken Tamaki, this version was the one you loved.
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A quirk incident transformed Mirio into an emotional rollercoaster in a whole new way, and all the good parts of his personality vanished, leaving only doom and gloom behind.
As a result, he lost all his confidence and motivation, not to mention he questioned his purpose as a hero. "Don't get me wrong…having a quirk is great…but…my quirk is just so lame compared to others and if I don't have a cool, flashy quirk..then what's the point?" You wondered whether those were his real thoughts or if his mind was also thrown back to middle school.
"You're truly my only source of sunshine…the rest of this world is…dull and gray to me…" Mirio sought your company whenever and wherever he could, he didn't care if others were watching when he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close, almost as if he was trying to hide from the gray world he described.
As his self-confidence dwindled, he refused to attend class and skipped hero training. To your surprise, he began discussing new dreams unrelated to his previous lifelong dream of becoming a hero. These included exploring new interests and hobbies and you could only remain supportive.
"I can't stand this gloomy world without you. If you left…I don't know what I'd do…I'd just wither away," you assumed this was his way of expressing his gratitude that you hadn't abandoned him during the long week following the quirk accident.
"Hah! Wow, really? I can't believe that quirk accident made me think so negatively about becoming a hero and yes, my quirk may not be flashy but I can still save the world," he said after all the quirk effects wore off. Then he poked your nose and with a cheesy grin said, "Thanks for putting up with me! I totally owe you one!"
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azrielsdove · 5 months
Hi!! I was hoping I could request something for Azriel or Cassian. I saw this post somewhere about someone being super calm and content in prison, maybe she was taken along with the home carver because of her powers. I’m thinking she is kinda like an old god but instead her powers feed off sacrifice and while she doesn’t want that life, she’s too powerful to be free until Feyre/Rhys lets her out because Feyre thinks she won’t hurt anyone. Then she can find her mate with Az or Cass?? And it’s revealed that she hates her powers because the person has to matter to her for the sacrifice/power. and she could’ve been part of the war that Mor fought in and went kinda crazy after because she lost that person but is fine now that it’s been so long.
You can change whatever if you end up doing it, I just thought it was a cool concept. It also does not have to be that detailed lol but thank you if you do it!!
Old God: Cassian x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Some Alcohol
“No, Feyre. It’s too dangerous.” Rhys didn’t look up from the paperwork on his desk while he spoke.
“Have you gone down there recently? She is kind, Rhys. You said to not trust the Bone Carver as well, and look how beneficial he was to us!” Feyre was pacing angrily around the room, having formed an attachment to the Death Wielder.
“We were in war, that was a dire situation. You want to release her for no other reason than you think she won’t harm anyone.” Rhys ran a hand over his face, looking up to his mate. “The beings in the Prison are there for a reason, Feyre. We can not go around releasing whoever we please without justification.”
Feyre huffed, crossing her arms and facing her husband. “You should go speak to her, Rhys. Understand what I mean. Amren came from the Prison, did she not?”
“Amren is different.”
“How?!” Feyre did not like arguing with her mate, but something was telling her it was wrong to keep the so-called old god down there. Especially after the war, after the Bone Carver sacrificed himself to fight for them. She knew the Prison held some of the nastiest beings Prythian had to offer, and that trusting any of them was a risk. Yet something was different about this one, she just knew it.
“Amren got herself out of the Prison. You have no idea how powerful the Death Wielder is. She is unlike anything you have ever seen.” Rhys stood from his desk, crossing the room to hold Feyre’s hands in his own. “It is too risky.”
“So if the Death Wielder got herself out, that would be fine?” Feyre shot at him, upset that he wasn’t agreeing with her.
“That’s not what i’m saying.”
“That’s what you’re insinuating! She isn’t what you think. Please, Rhys, just go talk to her.” Feyre pleaded, holding tight onto his hands. He sighed, reaching up to brush a piece of her hair back.
“Alright. I will go tomorrow evening, and if what you say proves true we can further discuss a release.”
Rhys did not enjoy coming to the Prison. He especially did not enjoy coming here to meet with you.
Unfortunately, he would do anything to make his mate happy.
He reached the door to your cell, placing his hand on the heavy stone. He breathed in deeply as he stepped forward, walking through the door like it didn’t exist. He looked around the room, shocked at how bright it was.
“High Lord,” you spoke, standing to greet him. “What brings you down?”
Rhys carefully looked at you, watching for any signs of a trick. “The High Lady requests to have you released. Do you know why she would ask such a thing?”
You gave a small smile, having grown quite fond of Feyre. “She visits me rather often, your mate. Brings me things,” you gestured to the faelights above you, the warm pillows and blankets on the floor. “She is different than any other. Full of hurt, yes, but an undying hope runs through her veins.”
“Are you coming to care for her?” The question was an accusation, thinly veiled anger behind his words.
“If you are asking if I plan to sacrifice her to escape, High Lord, then you would be mistaken. You should know better than anyone that I do not revel in my power.” There was an infinite sadness in your voice, an age-old pain.
“How am I to trust you?”
You shrugged. “I wouldn’t expect you to. We saw what happened with the war 500 years ago, what I had to do to save so many. Those kind of choices do not come without consequences, High Lord.”
Rhysand pondered over your words, violet eyes reading every movement you made. “You sacrificed the love of your life to save everyone. That is not something to be frowned upon.”
You gave a sad smile. “Yet here I am, locked in this pit of despair with the worst Prythian has to offer. Do not credit me, High Lord. I was willing to let the world suffer. He convinced me to do it, to use him to activate my power. I did not wish to do so.”
Rhys hummed, seeming to understand the level of devotion you held for your old lover. “I could understand. I would do anything to protect Feyre. Do you understand what I mean?”
You did. He would not allow your release from this prison, not even if you may be a harmless being these days. He would rather you suffer needlessly down here for millennia than risk anything harming his mate.
Feyre was angry. No, she was furious. Rhys had informed her that he would not be releasing the Death Wielder, even if he had picked up nothing bad in their meeting. She left his office without speaking, upset that he was being so difficult.
However, Feyre was not so naive as to not think her husband would try to stop her. She had planned for this. After all, he had made her High Lady, his equal. She had every right to make the call herself.
She found Cassian easily, purchasing donuts at one of the bakeries in Velaris. “I need your help.” Feyre was straight to the point, eyeing her friend as he stopped mid-bite.
“Uh, okay?” He said, placing his donuts back into their bag. “With what?”
“I need you to take me to the Prison.”
He laughed.
Feyre scowled, glaring at the General. “I’m being serious, Cassian.” She stood tall, letting power radiate from her. “As your High Lady, I command it.”
His laughter ceased, face growing serious. “As you wish, then.” Cassian knew better than to question her any further.
The pair stood outside the gates of the Prison, the ominous darkness beckoning them in. “May I ask who we are here to see?” Cassian pried, wanting to be prepared for what they would encounter.
“The Death Wielder.” Feyre didn’t give him a chance to protest, marching down into the endless dark. Cassian followed dutifully, wondering why his High Lady was so determined to meet with her. Feyre pushed in without hesitation when they reached the door to her cell. Cassian went after, growing more curious by the second.
“High Lady,” you greeted, welcoming the female you almost considered a friend. Not that many had ever gotten close enough to you for such a title. Feyre greeted you by your name, something very few had ever called you. “The High Lord was here as well, i’m sure you know.”
You could feel the simmer of displeasure come from the High Lady. “Yes. I’ve chosen to disregard his opinion on this matter. I do not think it is right to keep you down here.”
You gave a soft smile, lightly surveying the room that had caged you for so long. “Ah, but this is my home now, isn’t it? Where I came from has long been gone, anyone I ever knew with it. What else is there for me? It is no harm to keep me here, truly.”
Feyre huffed, seemingly having an argument in her head. “I will never force you to leave, you know that. I simply believe there is more for you out there, out in my home.”
You moved closer to the young female, inspired by her endless hope for all that is good. “Who is to say your people would allow me to walk among them? The old gods are not favored in your time, especially not one who’s known for Death.” It was then that you noticed her companion, the long haired male standing in the shadows. You cocked your head, surveying him curiously. Something about him was…different than any others you had met.
“This is Cassian,” Feyre introduced, waving him forward. He came into the light, nodding his head to you.
“Cassian,” you mused, tasting the name on your tongue. You observed his armor, his wings, the strong power radiating from him. “The General. How do you feel about your High Lady’s idea?”
He seemed shocked that you would ask for his opinion, looking carefully between you and Feyre. “I trust what my High Lady thinks best.”
“The diplomatic answer,” you hummed, moving to look at him closer. “That is not what I asked. What would you, as an innocent in this world, think of someone like me wandering through your city?”
He blinked at you before clearing his throat. “I would not consider myself an innocent. If the High Lady deemed you safe, I would trust her. As would many in this court.”
You waved your hand dismissively. “You are all innocents to me.” You turned back to Feyre, a smile ghosting your lips. “Very well, High Lady. If you deem it fit, I will accept the release you are granting me.”
You stood with the General on the outskirts of Velaris, feeling uncomfortable for the first time in a long time. You had grown content in the Prison, safe from your power. Your deadly, terrible power.
“What would you like to do?” He was watching you, hand on one of his many blades. You felt vulnerable by that action, a reminder that you will always be perceived as Death herself.
“I do not know.” Your voice was quiet, a weakness pulling through that you did not enjoy. You were easily the most powerful being here, there was no reason to feel so small. Cassian noticed the change in you, the contrast from the ancient confidence he encountered in the Prison.
“Hey,” he soothed, releasing the hold on his weapons, “no one has to know who you are.” You wanted to give him a thankful smile, but the darkness in your mind was clouding around you.
“No,” you whispered, “they’ll know. Perhaps this was a mistake.” You turned to face the mountains behind you, feeling the dirt beneath your feet. It had been so long since you had seen the outside, since the fresh air had touched your skin. You startled when you felt gentle fingers around your wrist, whipping your head around to meet the kind eyes of the General.
“Come with me. My own friend Amren is like you, and she lives here happily.” There was a calm in his voice that washed away any apprehension you felt, something about him making you feel like you could trust what he said. “Stay with me.”
Your heart ticked at his words as he pulled you down to the glittering city below.
You had spent a few weeks with Cassian, learning all Velaris had to offer. The High Lord had come to find the two of you early on, angry that you allowed his wife to set you free.
“She is the High Lady, her word is as equal as yours, is it not?” You had asked, pointing out his hypocrisy. He had grumbled at your words, but allowed you to continue on.
“As long as you are with Cassian, I will accept that you roam free. Do not make me regret this,” he had threatened, still not trusting you.
You couldn’t blame him.
You knew he had an underlying fear that you were growing too close to Feyre, that you may grow close to Cassian. You didn’t know how to explain that you would never use them to activate your power, that you would never allow anyone to become that special to you again.
Unfortunately, you were growing worried yourself. Cassian drew you into him, a simmering desire to learn everything there was to know about the male. His stories captivated you, his jokes made you laugh in ways you never had. He pulled out the true version of you, the being beneath the danger.
You needed to stop this.
Cassian had a little cabin on the edge of the city, a cozy place he had leant to you. He stayed with you most nights, sleeping on the couch while you took the bed. You knew it was due to his High Lord commanding it, but a part of you wished he was staying for you. That he enjoyed being around you as much as you did around him.
“We are going out tonight,” he informed you, tossing a dress onto the bed. You looked up at him in shock, unsure if he was joking or not. “It is time you let loose a little, enjoy yourself.” There was a teasing smile on his lips, a brightness in his eyes. You pulled the blood-red fabric to you, fingers trailing over the delicate fabric. You had never ‘gone out.’
“I don’t,” you started, looking up to him, “I’ve never, I, what if I embarrass you?” You tripped over your words, heat rising in your cheeks.
He gave a reassuring, slightly cocky smile. “You can’t be any worse than Az, trust me.”
You were nervous standing outside Rita’s, a cold intruder on a warm night. You hadn’t yet been around so many fae in such a tight setting, the worry that they would notice who you were drowning your mind. You tugged the bottom of your dress down a little, fidgeting with the hem. “Stop,” Cassian chided, grabbing your hand in his. “It’s going to be fine.”
He dragged you up the steps into the bustling bar, making his way through the crowd to a table in the back. His friends were all there, the High Lords stare cold as he noticed your hand in Cassian’s. You quickly pulled away from him, ignoring the look he sent you. He slid into the booth and you sat next to him, careful to keep your distance.
“Drinks?” The stunning blonde you immediately recognized asked, a knowing look in her eyes.
“She needs something strong, Mor.” Cassian answered for you, a laugh in his voice. You nodded in confirmation to the Morrigan, the sight of her bringing up memories of the war all those centuries ago. You were going to need several strong drinks.
“So, Death Wielder, how have you enjoyed your time in my court?” Rhysand asked, your title coming out like an insult.
“It is a very beautiful place, High Lord,” you answered honestly, having grown to quite enjoy the city.
“Hmm.” He leaned across the table, hands clasping in front of him. “And how have you been enjoying my brother?” You looked at him with wide eyes, taken aback by his accusation.
“That’s quite enough, Rhys. We are here to have a nice night, not interrogate our guests.” Feyre cut in, shooting you an apologetic look. Rhys mumbled something about not trusting you as he sat back in his seat.
Cassians hand found your knee, thumb rubbing soft circles into your skin. “Don’t listen to him,” he said, loud enough for High Lord to hear. “He doesn’t think I can handle myself around you.”
You flushed at his words, feelings running through you that you hadn’t felt in centuries. You were thankful that Mor chose that moment to return, gladly taking your drink from her. You busied yourself with it, allowing normal conversation to resume around the table.
Cassian did not move his hand.
You were feeling a pleasant buzz from the drink, a state of relaxation coming over you. You found yourself giggling at something Cassian said, leaning further into him. He smiled back at you, his hand sliding a little higher as your dress began to ride up. For the first time in 500 years, you were able to feel a sense of happiness.
“Better be careful, General,” came a slurring voice, all eyes turning to the fae that had approached the table. “Death here will be quick to sacrifice you next. You should know better than anyone that she lures her lovers into traps, killing them to make her power stronger.” You froze in place, terror spreading through your body.
Cassian moved the hand from your knee, a split-second heartbreak occurring inside you before you felt his arm wrap around your shoulders. “Maybe you shouldn’t speak on what you don’t know.” His voice was hard, causing the other male to take a step back. “Do you wish to continue telling me about things that you think I, General of the Night Court Armies, do not already know? Do you truly believe you know more than me?” The male slunk back, angry and embarrassed.
“Don’t say we didn’t try to warn you.” He shot out before disappearing into the crowd, leaving a thick silence over the group. You took the opportunity to slide out of the booth, taking off for the door. You heard a faint call of your name, along with Rhysand calling his brother back to the table. You pushed out of the building, sucking in deep mouthfuls of air. A horrible choking sensation was taking over your throat and lungs, a full panic controlling your body. You stumbled down the street, blind to the concerned expressions of the passerby.
You needed to go. You couldn’t stay here any longer, you couldn’t risk Rhysand putting you back in the Prison now that you knew free life again. You ripped the heels off your feet, discarding them where they landed. You began running, bare feet slapping the pavement below. You felt the skin tear as you ran, too soft for the rough ground.
You didn’t care.
You ran all the way to the cabin, lungs burning. You grabbed your few meager possessions, mostly clothes Cassian had bought you. You stuffed them into a small bag, not noticing the tears running down your face until they splashed onto the fabric. When was the last time you cried?
Loud, shaking sobs overtook your body. You sunk to the ground by the bed, curling your arms around your knees and burying your head. How could you be so stupid? You knew better than to fall for him, for anyone. You cursed yourself, the crushing weight of despair becoming too much to handle. You felt tendrils of your power come out, wrapping themselves around your skin. It burned where they touched, an anguished scream tearing from you.
A voice was yelling your name, holding tight to your arms. You cried harder, certain that the burning of your power must be hurting them too. “Leave me!” You screamed, the pain of the last 500 years ripping from your body. The voice calling for you was growing hectic, desperate. You couldn’t focus on anything except the tendrils of power on you, certain they were melting the skin off your bones.
You felt arms cradle your body, lifting you off the ground. You knew you were suddenly outside, a sensation like flying taking over. The wind was harsh against you, a welcome cold to the burning power suffocating you. You felt a jolt as whoever was carrying you hit the ground, more voices joining in the chaos. You heard one stick out above the rest, and then an endless darkness took over your mind.
Your head was heavy, your body was sore, and your throat was terribly dry. You pried your eyes open, wincing at the daylight flooding the room. You blinked a few times, looking around at what you could see. You didn’t recognize anything about the bedroom, but you did know the large male passed out in the chair next to the bed.
He shouldn’t be here. You shouldn’t be here. You needed to get out, get away from him. You forced yourself up, crying out in pain as you did. He shot up out of the chair and was at your side in a second. “No, lay back down,” he commanded, pushing you down gently.
“I need to go,” you croaked out, voice hoarse.
“Why do you think that?” He asked, looking at you like he already knew the answer.
You felt tears prick the corner of your eyes. “I don’t want to put you in danger.”
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest. “Never,” he whispered into your hair, “will you hurt me.”
You couldn’t help the tears spilling out as you clutched onto his arms, wanting to stay here forever. “I killed him,” you sobbed, holding tighter onto Cassian.
“You didn’t,” he argued, “he sacrificed himself. For you, for all of Prythian and beyond. If we had lost that war, none of us would be here. He knew you didn’t want to do it, that you wouldn’t do it. He made that choice, not you.” You cried, shaking in his arms at the memory of your past love. He had been your heart, your soul. You will never forget the pain and anguish that came from losing him, all so you could use your power to its full extent.
A curse, your power was. Only able to be used if someone you loved died. Died for the sake of the power. You despised it, you despised the title it had earned you. Death Wielder. You had never wanted to be that, to become a horror story. To be classified as an ‘old god’, a force to be reckoned with. You had been a gentle spirit before the discovery of your power, before you were told how to use it.
You shook your head. “I won’t risk it, Cass. What if war comes again?”
“If it does, you will be better trained. Rhys has been doing some research while you were out, talking to some of the other High Lords. They believe your power is misunderstood.” You stilled, pulling back to look at him.
He nodded. “He believes you can access it without a sacrifice. With the way it was acting when I found you that night, I think he may be right.”
You remembered the horrible pain of your power then, looking down at your arms. You were surprised to see they were bare, no damage from the force of whatever you released. “It hurt me,” you said slowly, eyes moving back up to Cassian’s.
“He believes with proper training it won’t hurt. All we can do is try.” He raised a hand to your face, thumb brushing away the remaining tears. “I don’t think I can live without you.” Your breath caught at the honesty in his words.
“I don’t think I can live without you either,” you said, voice barely a whisper. His gaze flicked from your eyes to your lips, a heavy tension growing in the air.
“Please, may I kiss you?” He asked, voice soft.
You nodded.
He leaned down, cupping your face as his lips touched yours. The kiss was slow, hesitant. You hadn’t kissed anyone in over five centuries, certain you would be abysmal. Cassian lead you perfectly, bringing your head up to create a better angle. You sighed softly, lips parting just enough for his tongue to delve in. He took his time learning every inch he could reach, kissing you breathless and then some.
You pulled apart, gasping for air. Your eyes caught his blow-out ones, and a string of gold erupted between the two of you. Mate, mate, mate, sang around your head, everything except Cassian disappearing. You could tell he felt it too, hands tightening on you. He came closer again, lightly kissing your lips.
“Mine, aren’t you?” He said. You smiled, a real, true smile. You kissed him again, hands sliding under his shirt, needing to touch him.
“Yours, always.”
I hope I was able to pull off what you wanted!! It took me a while to figure out how to write this. Please let me know what you think <3
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lovelybrooke · 4 months
I’m the topic of Adam, right sera would realistically go down to earth just to spend time with the reader. (This is based on another ask)
Spoilers for those who didn’t finish the series :)
I know it isn’t canon but imagine Adam wasn’t stabbed by nifty and he managed to survive. I feel like Adam would FINALLY get the chance to speak to the reader, constantly going down to earth to talk to the reader, nitpick all the things he doesn’t like about their friends and family, consistently encouraging them to make time for him even though as it is he’s on earth more than he needs to be and so on. I think this might be an unpleasant time for the reader.
I've seen a lot of people headcanon that since Sir Pentious, a demon, could be redeemed, then Adam, an Angel, could be sent to hell. That would be super cool to see, but I wouldn't count on it.
Anyway, I could totally see Adam getting super giddy once reader goes back to Earth because now he finally has a real opportunity to meet you. Like, he knows Sera probably wouldn't like it, but what is she gonna do, she also goes to Earth to keep an eye on you all the time. But unlike her, she actually has the balls to confront you.
I don't think he'd be the type of person to lie about who he is, even though he realistically should since you witnessed him nearly kill all your friends. He doesn't see a point of doing so, and just welcome himself into your life like a wrecking ball. Of course, he disguises himself, he's not stupid, but that's more so he can go out in public with you and not get stared at.
Unlike a lot of the other male characters in hazbin, who recognize readers poor home life and lack of a father and attempt to become that fatherly figure in their life, Adam couldn't care less. He doesn't have a reason to become your father, he doesn't need to go through that again. That doesn't stop everyone in your life from mistaking him as your dad though.
"Oh my god (Y/n), when did your dad show up? I thought he was a deadbeat."
"Not my dad..."
You thought he came back to Earth to kill you, but instead he just lounges around, eats your food, and nitpick every aspect of your life. He makes a lot of comments about your mom that makes you anxious, why you don't move out, why does she sleep so much, do you want me to kill her? You adamantly refuse, and you hide all the knifes in the house. He also urge you to gossip about your friends at school, and gets mad at your expense when you describe anything relating to bullying.
Regardless, Adam spends a lot of time with you on Earth. It's a way to get off work, its of way to piss off Sera, and it's something he can rub in those idiot demons faces when the time is right.
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More Darry Curtis headcanons
-Goes to every single parent/teacher interview night or open house at Ponyboy’s school, even if he has to take off work. Part of it is because he’s determined to be a good guardian but part of it is because he just proud of Pony and likes hearing from teachers how great he is
-Speaking of how great Pony is, Darry brags about Pony SO much. Like his work crew and the gang never stop hearing about how great the kid is…except when the kid is present. Then you couldn’t get a compliment out of him if you pried his jaw open
-He and Sodapop both have a soft spot for soap operas and watch them together super late at night so no one else in the gang- Pony included- will find out. (Steve caught them once but he just sat down quietly, waving away their hasty attempts to explain themselves, muttering for them to shut up, and that he used to watch them with his mom when she was still around. The three of them finished the episode and went to bed without saying anything else.)
-Loves music of all kinds (I just know he’d be one of those guys that is SO into music history and makes it everyone else’s problem) “did you know this song was meant to be an apology to-“ “-to some random broad, we know Dar, now shut up would ya?”
-Is left handed
-He and Two-bit butt heads quite a bit but he’s also closer to Two than almost anyone else in the gang because they’re the closest in age. They have so many inside jokes that the rest of the gang gets confused because Two can sometimes get him to snicker from seemingly innocuous remarks that aren’t funny to anyone but Darry
-Has dragged Soda (and Steve by extension) away from Buck’s too many times to count and is pissed every time
-Worries the whole time when he goes on ski trips with his old buddies. He worries a lot anyway, but it’s always worse when he’s too far from home to get there immediately  if something happened. Both Soda and Pony know this so they’re actually better behaved when he’s gone than when he isn’t
-Speaking of the ski trips, he always comes back glowing, for once looking his age, so the gang encourages him to go as much as possible. They have to be subtle about it though, because he gets suspicious that they’re planning something if they make it too obvious they’re trying to get him to leave, and then there’s no way in hell he’ll go
-Loves rodeos but unlike Soda has never and never wanted to participate in one
-Mother's day and father's day are contentious days in the Curtis house ever since the accident, so Soda and Pony just designated a random day as 'Darry Day" and got him little gifts, and did all the housework because they really do appreciate everything he does for them. Darry was super touched and vehemently denies tearing up when he saw the card Pony made for him
-His bond with Tim Shepard is hard for the gang, Darry himself, and even Tim to figure out, but it’s very strong despite how little they actually interact
-Despite refusing to ever go to the hospital, he’s actually the absolute worst patient when he’s sick. It takes a lot for him to admit that he’s ill, but once he does he’s absolutely insufferable. Pony and Soda takes turns taking care of him because they’re both liable to lose their temper if they have to do it for too long without a break. (“Soda my head hurts” “I know Darry” “Soda I need a glass of water” “you have a glass of water” “but Soda it’s not cold” “I got you a new one five minutes ago” “but Soda it warmed up” “damnit! Pony tag in, you deal with him, I need a smoke” “Pony I’m dying” “you’re not dying Dar” “yes I am” "no you're not")
-He’s a super fast walker. Like, anyone shorter than him has to jog a lil to catch up
-He’s a cat person. Pony and Soda are both dog people, and it has caused more than one argument despite the fact they have no pets and couldn’t afford  one even if they could agree on what they wanted
-He and Soda definitely made a secret handshake when they were little, and he still remembers every single move of it even though they haven’t done it in years and he isn’t sure if Soda even remembers making it
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almightygremlinblob · 10 days
Sukuna Ryomen HCs - Canon & Fanon!
CONTENT WARNINGS: Unbeta'd. None, for the first part - which may as well be a part character analysis of sorts along with hcs. Under the cut is when stuff gets weird. So minors and those uncomfy with anything remotely sexual don't click the "Keep Reading" and just scroll past! Will put another warning, tho, just in case.
Personally I LOVE Sukuna's true form, but these can be read as any of his forms (except for the tummy mouth stuff, haha).
Word Count: 1694
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Sukuna HCs - Canon Sukuna
1.) Aromantic, Asexual and sex repulsed or; Demiromantic, Asexual and sex repulsed. Listen. Has never done anything to Uraume (MY LOVE) - well, that we know of, anyway. Yorozu, beautiful, beautiful Yorozu, hugs him completely nakey; no reaction AT ALL. Kenny sleeps with his brother and it's "Kenjaku does the grosest things." Come on. 2.) Contrary to popular belief, I don't actually think he's super arrogant. He just STRONGLY believes that the weak should eat their suffering at the hands of the strong - and he's at the top of the food chain. All that smirking during the fights, talking down his opponents and just generally toying with them, completely lines up with his worldview. Even when he converses with Yorozu about her conditions for winning, he says that she can do whatever she wants with him because if he loses, that's "akin to death" and she proves herself stronger than him - again with the previous point. His worldview doesn't exclude himself just because he's been given the title of the strongest, unlike a lot of arrogant characters who think they're exempt from the rules they "follow". Sukuna seems to be…like a whole lot of neutral, as long as it lines up with his worldview. When it DOESN'T (ahem-his soul nephew-ahem), then he begin to lose it. 3.) Speaking of, he's obsessed with Jujutsu and honing his craft, having good food and a good fight - it's all he wants. Sukuna doesn't care where he stands at the food chain, he'll accept if there's an opponent stronger than him and die happy, and if it's weaker but puts up a good fight then he'll kill it and still be happy. He's living moment to moment, doing what makes him happy, poking at whatever interests him and living his life according to his values. (Sounds good on paper but ALSO just sounds like he's chasing the next "high" as long as it comes from an opponent that lines up with his beliefs). 4.) Is a wonderful artist and poet and, much like traditional Japanese painting (which is surprisingly close to Chinese painting), he prefers ink for his works and calligraphy, charcoal, too. He would have plenty of it back in the Heian era. 🙃 5.) UNWANTED. As a child he was unwanted, as a sorcerer nobody liked him or working with him (also because he was tricky to work with - essentially using the other sorcerers to get the upper hand in battle), curses tried to stay clear of him, and even when he was worshipped nobody wanted to do it - they only did it to get on his good graces or get something from him. Sukuna may have been a king, but he was an unwanted one, all the same - an unwanted king who sat in his empty temple. 6.) Views Jin as simply part of himself, because by Jujutsu standards that's the case - twins are considered one - and the Jujutsu world is heavily tied to his worldview. However, Jin himself is a completely different person; personality, physique and all. 7.) Hates modern food. Just…hates it. From the meat, to the veggies, to the spices, to the PEOPLE. It tastes SOOO BAD to him. Everything's become more abundant but at WHAT COST??? Quality of the food is out the window completely. Only Uraume can make something decent out of everything (leave it to our favorite chef). Because most animal meat was prohibited from consumption in the Heian era due to the influence of Buddhism (as far as I know), he had a lot of those to choose from back then. One of the dishes he did eat frequently, though, was Hishio with rice and some kind of meat (any he had access to at the time). 8.) Loves fighting because that's when his worldview IS a reality. It's only win or lose, the strong or the weak…AND THEN THERE'S YUUJI- 9.) Given the themes surrounding his character, and Yuuji's, actually, the quote by Alfred Lord Tennyson comes to mind; "Tis better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all." 10.) Generally doesn't like to be stared or looked at unless it's in a fight - he's had plenty of staring and hushed whispers back in the Heian era.
Sukuna HCs - Fanon Sukuna x Reader
These are not specified to be romantic or platonic, and can be read however you'd like. Reader's gender or sex is not specified.
1.) Expect stern, gentle and very QUIET comfort from this guy. Sukuna isn't one to coddle, and he might even be annoyed if you're crying. If he isn't wordlessly wiping your tears away, he'll be softly chastising you for crying over "someone so insignificant" or "a situation you can easily handle". He's not trying to belittle your problems, not at all - he recognizes your strong points, where they are, and he just truly KNOWS you can handle whatever it is you're facing. It's less "Stop being so dramatic, it's annoying." and more "What are you upset about? You can handle this easy…" 2.) Doesn't like grandeur displays of affection, it reminds him of all the (frankly fake) worship he recieved in the Heian era. He appreciates small and meaningful gestures SO MUCH more. Likewise, he also gives small and meaningful gestures to his favorite person; a poem, a painting, good food, letting your touch linger, letting you stare at him. Don't talk down on him or about him, though, and keep the teasing to a minimum; he does demand some level of respect. 💜 3.) As stated before, he's obsessed with Jujutsu and honing his craft, having good food and a good fight - it's all he wants. But then you come along and make days without that…somehow bearable? And then somehow he begins to seek out your company. And then somehow, he feels anxious and as if something's missing without it. 4.) The tummy mouth WILL purr, but it's more of a low and content growling than a cat or cheetah's purr. 5.) Sukuna doesn't like to be looked at, although your gaze doesn't bother him as much. However, he does NOT like it when your attention is on someone else when you're with him - even if you can't look - he needs to know your mind is ON HIM, still.
Alright you know the drill. Minors and anyone uncomfy with anything remotely sexual DNI further, and just scroll past this. Don't click the "Keep Reading" if you don't wanna see all the romantic or sex-y stuff, and just go on with your day furendo!
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Fanon Sukuna - Romantic & Explicit
⚠️Further Content Warnings:⚠️ Soft Sukuna, Sukuna fluff, Virgin!Sukuna, Whiny Sukuna, as usual Sukuna writings = food metaphors.
1.) Falls first, face first, and falls HARD. Was in complete denial because "love is trash" but this feeling is…actually NICE??? Actually makes his days better??? For once he's not bored out of his mind (and nearly to insanity) when he's not fighting or eating??? 2.) Virgin. Guy is inexperienced with all genders and sexes. Listen, as much as I love King!Sukuna and his favorite concubine trope, I'll have to do the 180 here. The guy probably never touched anyone in his life - cuz he also didn't want to. Why would he, when all the women and men offered to him were sacrifices from families with ulterior motives, and who were, themselves, harboring alterior motives, too? Nobody actually wants to be with him - he was an unwanted king, with followers who only bowed to get on his good graces and GET SOMETHING from him. Why would he want what they were offering? 3.) This guy has never been this close and intimate with anyone in a way that's not TRYING TO KILL EACH OTHER, and it takes him quite a bit of time to get used to this. It's all so overwhelming the first few times; the emotions, and the pleasure of it, and the fact that he's being so vulnerable with YOU. However, once he starts to get more comfortable, then he gets more eager and if we've seen anything about him - it's that he's a fast learner. Starts to pick up on what feels good for the both of you. Starts to look forward to it, too. 4.) He'll tease you - of course, but all the same he'll growl and whimper and plead for you, too. Yes, the tummy mouth will also growl and whine. The sweet noises he makes are reserved for you and only you. 5.) He WILL lick and taste your skin, let his teeth dig softly into your flesh but never biting too deep to break it - it's his favorite thing to do. Remember how he can manifest multiple mouths? Yeah, he's absolutely doing that to taste you more. 6.) His kisses, once hesitant and dare you say - shy, become passionate. Way too passionate. It's overwhelming. His tongue tastes every part of your mouth he can, gently biting and suckling and licking your lips (your neck, your shoulders, your wrists, your SKIN in general...) as if to drain the blood from them, hands roaming your body and kneading the soft flesh. Every part of you like a feast he can almost eat. 7.) Slow and intense lovemaking; almost violent in a way that feels like he's trying to literally devour you. 8.) Does NOT like your attention elsewhere and WILL NOT share you during lovemaking. Think about him, not someone or something else. Be with him, not elsewhere. Look at him, and only him.
GOD is it difficult to be a Sukuna fan sometimes - especially if you like other characters, too. Especially Gojo and Yuji...coughs awkwardly. Well that'd be just terrible now wouldn't it?
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koolades-world · 4 months
Can you do Obey Me headcanons of a Christian MC? MC isn't a toxic one though, they're actually super nice and supportive of everyone and such. They're also generally really trusting and try and see the best in people. They're more or less just extremely concerned and slightly uncomfortable with the entire being kidnapped and brought to hell thing(and also being forced to attend school again)
They also got really excited when they learned angels were gonna be attending RAD too, so there's that lol
Like when they saw Simeon and Luke for the first time they mentally went "THIS IS A MOMENT IN HISTORY!!!! TAKE A PICTURE!!!"
haha hi!!
when I first saw this I was really looking forward to doing it! been thinking about it a lot
one of my best friends is actually a christian who plays obey me, and she was the one to introduce me to the game. I think she would find this funny, so I'll def be thinking of her while I write this haha (if you're reading this, which you very much might be, heyyyy happy late bday girl)
Christian Mc
once you realize who he is, you're freaked out, both in a good and bad way
like, this is the lucifer! you ask to take a picture lol (and he's not amused)
you're a little sad and relieved when he pawns you off to mammon, since you're awed by his presence but also terrified since you knew the part he played in the bible by heart
once you get to know him, the both of you chuckle about human depictions of him and you finally get that picture! be sure to make him sign it and then frame it
learns quickly just how many copies of the bible you own once he spends enough time in your room including but not limited to the version on your phone, the mini version in your RAD bag, and the one you keep on your side table
once you get to the stage of basically living together, he learns that you read the bible and say a prayer nightly
at first, he was nervous having to be the one to guide you but he learnt you were probably more scared of him, and you were actually just so sweet
he jokingly picks up all of the jesus merch he finds so now you have an entire shelf
the most normal out of the brothers besides the fact that he spends all his time in his room, but that kind of reminds you of a brother you only see like once a day
it's almost scary and a little jarring walking into his room, but after that, you guys get along so well
he admits that he thought the exchange program was weird, and it was all history after that
unlikely besties: a devout christan human and their gamer social outcast demon
highkey fuming about the fact that humans don't know that he and lucifer are different (he for sure smashed up an entire room of the house)
after he calms down from this though, although it takes a while for the two of you to get to know each other, he takes joy in making fun of the slanderous things said about lucifer
you both like to read but the only thing you reread and read nightly is the bible so
luckily he doesn't care about that since it wasn't his dad anyways (don't remind him that it's technically his grandpa's book)
the first time you showed him biblical version of him, he was disgusted and refused to speak to you for the next two and half days
after that he feels a little bad since he knows you didn't mean it like that and since you basically tip toe around him
after that he comes on a little strong, but after a while you get along pretty well despite being so different
he’ll reminisce while you listen carefully and hold onto every work he says since he was a real angel and that’s so cool
while you were initially terrified of him, you quickly learnt how much like he actually was
at the core, you were both just a kind person (or demon) who wanted to help others and uplift them
always there for you to lend a listening ear and to help out out if others are giving you problems
the first in the devildom to make you feel truest welcome and let you know that you could call it home
at first he thinks it’s a joke and kinda pokes fun at it
once he realizes you’re being serious, he feels a little bad but also still thinks is very funny how you hide your face behind a bible when you’re scare
has had holy water thrown at him, and has found a bible under his pillow before (gosh who could’ve done that…)
used to jump out at your from around corners in his demon form and it sent your running every time so you can prepared with a rosary blessed by the pope to shove in his face if he dare to try again
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planefood · 1 year
I’ll probably reformat this once I have access to my laptop but:
Super big character introductory post (that I worked super hard on!!!) id love if you’d take the time to read this and interact :)
Without further or do
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The title protagonist of the story. Almost everything happens through his point of view and is often skewed by his own personal beliefs and perspective. Living most of his life exclusively around humans he’s still getting used to being around other robots.
Tandy works as a freelance computer repairman and helps robots fix up some of their issues on the side as well, like an off market robot doctor. He takes his work incredibly seriously to the point it affects his social life.
Although he is described as generally likeable by others for the most part, he’s quite clever and has a strong “take no bullshit” attitude towards everything. But he’s incredibly insecure about himself as well as being quite egotistical which can often come out and hurt others. He has a very black and white perspective of the world that affects how other characters will be perceived sometimes.
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The first robot Tandy gets to meet when Tandy catches Max in a small robot get together when Tandy moves cities. Max was impressed by Tandy’s knowledge around computers and Tandy was totally absorbed by Max’s infectious personality.
Max comes across as very carefree and charming. He doesn’t talk a whole lot but when he does it comes out in oddly poetic short sentences, sometimes to the humour of the people around him. Max also tends to take the time to look after people around him and in turn he’s very idolised by the people close to him. But the time Max spends on other people and despite so many people adoring him, Max doesn’t take the time to look after his own personal issues leading Max to blow up at people if he gets too stressed. Despite all the people he tries to surround himself in he finds himself feeling incredibly alone.
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Mikey had a pretty rough early life, which has caused him to be very self isolated. He struggles with extreme anxiety which just isolates him further, he can never seem to click with people, even other robots. A lot of people view him as unpleasant to be around. He’s self-deprecating and makes uncomfortable jokes about his own bad mental health, often taking it to extremes that would kill any conversation he was in. Jokes he makes that aren’t putting himself down don’t ever seem to land either. He doesn’t take good care of himself either which leads to him smelling not the best.
In reality he just needs a lot of support and space to heal. He’s working with what he has and is trying his best. Max wants to support Mikey and cares about him a lot but gets ferociously overprotective sometimes which can put more strain on Mikey’s chance to form his own relationships.
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Built and raised in New South Wales, Australia. Looking for more opportunities she found herself moving to New Zealand with her other robot coworker, Newton, working for a tax firm. This is where she eventually met Tandy who was hired to fix an issue with one of her computers.
Sierra was growing ever more resentful of her human adversaries, she was starting to admit she hated all humans (and most animals by proxy) all she had by her side was Newton who she wasn’t particularly fond of by this point either. Tandy felt like a breath of fresh air and an opportunity for Sierra to stop having to interact with humans as much and kinda followed him around ever since.
Sierra comes across as very snobbish. She’s judgemental and easy to irritate. She’s quick to speak out about her hatred of certain things (like humans, children and by extension dogs) which upsets people around her. She speaks with a flat affect that makes her sound even more robotic than she’s meant to, which can make her constantly sound sarcastic and mean even if unintentionally. Unlike a lot of robots, her and Max do not get along at all.
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While looking for more robot friendly apartments, Jay was directed by her close friend, Phillip to Tandy. From then on they became roommates. Unfortunately Tandy and Jay didn’t get along at all. Jay is furiously headstrong and brutally honest to a fault even if they have the best intentions in mind. Tandy being quite egotistical and struggling to take criticism even at the best of times, Jay's brutal honesty can come across to him as personal attacks. Jay and Tandy mix like oil and water and every conversation they try to have usually ends in an argument. Much to Tandy’s dismay, Max and Jay get along great.
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Tandy may have trouble getting along with some people but Lithium is the only person Tandy could wholeheartedly say he truly dislikes. Lithium, not unlike Tandy, is incredibly self absorbed. Lithium has a large sense of grandeur. They love to make others feel as though they’re not as socially conscious and intelligent as they are. Lithium also has a very short temper and will quickly snap and yell at people around him to give him a heightened sense of importance. People would be ‘simply lost without him!’ in his mind. Tandy struggles to understand why Max chose to befriend him. Though he’d never admit it, Lithium and Tandy have a lot more in common than Tandy would like to hope.
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The smallest robot Tandy has ever met, yet she commands so much respect from those around her. Sonnet has a very bubbly personality and seems to break into a little dance as often as she can because she's so full of energy. But Tandy learnt Sonnet can be serious when she needs to be and everyone listens to her when she wants to be heard. To everyone's shock she and Lithium hit it off romantically. One would assume the size similarities would make it easier for something like that to happen, but for someone so likeable to fall for someone like Lithium had everyone scratching their heads. Maybe it might do Lithium some good.
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Max’s long term roommate and the one who keeps everything in order. Phillip is a reserved and well organised robot who Tandy barely ever catches an opportunity to speak to. Almost always working or stuffed up in his room practising his music. Phillip considers himself best friends with Max and Jay. But understands they probably don’t feel the same way about him. Phillip often gets quite upset at the notion that people don’t seem to care about him compared to other people, he always feels like the “friend of a friend”. He feels underappreciated in the work he does mediating others and keeping a roof over their heads by working multiple jobs. He wishes deep down he could build up the courage to tell everyone how he feels.
Phillip is always eager to duet with the other musically talented robot, Jay, when he gets the chance as well.
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Newton and Sierra were both built in Australia for the same company, for the same purpose. But unlike Sierra, Newton loved all the work he did and was incredibly loyal and devoted to anything he sets his heart out to.
But his heart was also devoted to Sierra, he’s head over heels obsessed with her to this day and has been for decades. Sierra was the only other robot Newton knew and when Sierra told him her plans to move to New Zealand he wasted no time in dropping everything to move with her. He felt betrayed when Sierra started paying more and more attention to another robot, Tandy. He grew incredibly jealous of Tandy as well as harbouring a deep hatred for him. Newton has heightened emotions which would typically mean he was very happy go lucky, but Tandy flipped a switch in him for the worse. Newton now vows to do anything in his power to win Sierra back from Tandy. Tandy on the other hand, is barely even aware of Newton's existence outside of what Sierra has said about him and the short conversations they’ve had.
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Vicki was built in Cape Town, South Africa with a strong passion for teaching. She studied to be an English teacher, working extremely hard to be the best teacher she could. But what Vicki had in determination she lacked in backbone. She had a very thin skin and struggled to keep her emotions under check when working with particularly difficult students. Her tendency to get easily upset in high stress situations relegated her to the role of “easy to bully substitute teacher”. Vicki, feeling trapped, decided to move to New Zealand for a fresh start in a country she felt would be more mellow. Unfortunately for her, middle schoolers are terrible to deal with no matter where you are. She knows other robots through local robot support groups and lavishes every chance she gets to talk to fellow robots.
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Scorpion is a bit of a lonewolf, she has a short patience with people whether they’re robot or human and prefers to be left by herself. But she attracts a lot of attention from other robots because she’s perceived as being “really cool”. Two robots, Jay and Vicki, fight for her attention constantly, much to Scorpion’s chagrin. She’d much rather socialise on her own terms and hers alone.
Scorpion is one of the only robots whose talents lie in art and painting. Graffiti tagging is her preferred art form. Sometimes she’ll be commissioned to paint murals around the place but otherwise just picks up odd jobs around the place and keeps to herself. She’s quite the mysterious figure to Tandy. Darwin:
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Darwin was built in Tokyo, Japan, before shortly moving to New Zealand. They were intrigued by the opportunities available to them as a robot in the country compared to Japan. Darwin’s main goal in its life was to help other people. The first and most obvious answer to them was to take up studying medicine. Darwin studied to the best of their ability and eventually got a job as a nurse in Auckland Hospital. Darwin's dream was to become a surgeon, but there was still a lot of doubt from humans on a robot doing their surgery. Darwin, instead, was encouraged to work with people with infectious diseases as a nurse. Going into nursing around the pandemic having a nurse that was immune to human diseases was the perfect fit. Darwin now finds itself overworked and stressed. Darwin barely has time to interact with anyone let alone other robots. But on occasion will have robots coming into ER where Darwin is first to point them where to go.
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A tall, neon coloured, full blooded American robot. Florence is the only robot so far who actively dislikes the company of other robots. She much prefers to view herself as a human and interact exclusively with humans. She has a short patience for her robot peers and low sympathy for any struggles they might face. She’s seen hanging around a human named Randy near constantly. Aside from her physical attributes, her thick accent and attitude really makes her stand out against other robots as is. She’s got a lot of charisma one will admit. She’s quite cunning if not sleazy. Tandy isn’t sure why she acts the way she does and wonders what might’ve caused it. Cathy:
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Like Mikey, Cathy had a tough life leading up to where she is now. Growing up in the outskirts of a city in the other regions before moving to Auckland. She has an extreme phobia of humans that causes her severe anxiety and paranoia. She’s jumpy and skittish in the company of any human but very calm and intelligent in the presence of robots. She’s the founder of the local robot group that a lot of the characters met each other in. Tandy doesn’t know much about her as she rarely speaks about her personal life.        
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w0rmm1lk · 5 months
Heeeyyy you take requests right??
Bakugou x reader who’s Aizawa’s daughter where it’s reader’s birthday and Bakugou is planning this big surprise for them?? I think it would be super cute loll
character: Katsuki Bakugo(romantic), Shota Aizawa(Platonic)
reader: Aizawa Fem!child
Summary: bakugo wants to surprise his girlfriend on her birthday— but needs some help. Unfortunately Mina’s help wasn’t enough and he would need to specifically ask aizawa.
warnings: possible ooc, swearing,
other: established relationship, reader is in 1A, takes place during first year.
(I kinda failed at this one I’m so sorry— getting use to writing Fem!reader)
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You and bakugo had been dating for about 4 months at this point. It wasn’t that long of a time yet bakugo had already met your parents. Well— that was mainly due to your father being both of your teachers.
bakugo knew your birthday was coming up soon. He would never admit to it but he had multiple reminders on his phone so he wouldn’t forget. It was your first birthday you would spend together while dating… despite that he wanted it to be a birthday for you to remember.
unfortunately for him, you can’t plan a big birthday for someone without help.
“Hey bakugo— what’s with all the staring? It’s kinda creeping me out-“ Denki speaking snapped bakugo out of his thoughts. He sent a glare in his direction. “Shut the hell up dunce face.”
“oooo~ thinkings about Y/N~~?” Minas voice broke through as she sat at the lunch table next to the two. “Tch- as if.” Mina laughed slightly at his response. “On the topic of Y/N, you get her anything for her birthday yet?” Bakugo seemed to freeze up at the question.
“oh my god have you actually not bought anything yet-? That seems weirdly unlike you!” “shut up I- I just want to make sure I buy the right thing.”
“Hmmm~? Then why don’t we help you out later then!” Mine suggested slightly leaning over the table, you could see her eyes sparkle.
“in your dreams! I can do it on my own.” He rolled his eyes, his arms crossed as he was slouched in his seat.
“cmon~~! Just let us tag along!” Mina was leaning so far over the table so her face was right up infront of bakugo. “Cmon man! You should totally let us come with!”
bakugo flinched slightly, he hasn’t even noticed kirishima had sat down beside him. “Ugh fine-! Just shut up already will ya?”
the “searching for a gift for Y/N” didn’t take long to turn into “Mina drags everyone through every store in the damn mall”
the results were— disappointing to say the least.
“ooo-! Let’s get her this necklace!”
“How much money do you think we have?!”
“this shirt is pretty cute-!”
“I’ve seen five seperate people wearing that on the way here- no way.”
“we could just go with the classic chocolates.”
“that’s too basic!”
and so on.
“Damnit— there’s nothing good enough in this shit hole.”
Denki turned to bakugo. “I mean— can we just ask her close friends what she wants? Maybe to get some ideas-?”
“dumbass— we are her close friends. Who the hell are we supposed to ask if none of us have any good ideas?!”
“I mean we could always ask—“
“don’t you dare.”
“cmon man! It’s not like we have much of a choice!”
and this is how bakugo found himself standing outside of the 1A classroom after school had ended. If none of Y/N’s closest friends knew what to buy her— then the next best person to ask was… her dad.
Bakugo hesitated for a moment before knocking on the door. He was met with silence. He rolled his eyes not bothering to knock again as he walked right in.
of course he was met with a yellow sleeping bag on the floor fully zipped up. He let out an annoyed sigh about to leave before he heard the zipper come undone. he looked back to see the sleeping bag nowhere to be found and I aizawa standing in its place.
“what do you need?” Aizawa spoke in his normal monotone yet mildly annoyed voice. “I— I need help with something.”
Aizawa raised an eyebrow, it was unlike bakugo to go to someone for help, especially his teacher. This caused aizawa a small bit of worry but he didn’t show it.
“…with?” Bakugo looked away slightly as if embarrassed to say the next words. “It’s- about Y/N” he could feel aizawa gaze peircing through his skull. Aizawa eyes were glowing a bright red as his hair floated slightly.
“did something happen to her?” Despite asking a question it sounded more like a demand. “No! I just- i Need help with… something….” Aizawa softened his gaze, his hair and eyes returning to normal.
“do you know what kind of things… she likes…?”
“you’ve been dating for how long and you don’t even know what she likes?”
“no-! I- that’s not what I meant! Tch. I mean like— more personal things!”
Bakugo let out an annoyed sigh rolling his eyes. “I don’t even know why I bothered aski—“ “wait.” Bakugo turned back to aizawa. “I have a few things that may be useful.
needless to say— you got basically everything that you could even think of wanting on your birthday, it was a little concerning since you weren’t aware how bakugo learned about all the specific items you wanted, but— you were still happy.
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(I am so sorry the end was kinda shit— im so fucking tired lmao)
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ddollfface · 3 months
𝐀 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
𝙅𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙃𝙖𝙣𝙢𝙖 𝙔𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙨 (Pt.2)
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Warnings; bad writing, possessive behavior, really ooc (I'm 90% sure that I missed the mark on this one), talks of Diane's rape, yandere if you really squint ig. If I missed anything, then please let me know ♡ Oml, tumblr's being a little bitch right now, I literally cannot right now. I'm going to repost Pt.1 and Pt.2. I'm so sorry, I have no clue as to why I have a word limit rn... Just know that this is super ooc :/
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When Jack falls, he falls hard, and let's just say that he's never fallen. Throughout his whole life, his only goal was to avenge his mother and bring back her honor, hoping to achieve this by defeating his father, Yuujirou Hanma. Jack, himself, has stated multiple times throughout the show that he has no interest in women, money, or fame, only wanting to achieve his goal of revenge. This obviously means that he has no experience with women, and unlike Kastumi, it's by choice. He doesn't want to fall in love.
I think that Jack doesn't believe in love, that it's something that's fake and fabricated to appease another. There's no such thing as love at first sight and wanting to hold someone for comfort and not just to get off. These thoughts are so out of Jack's worldview that he sees them as just fiction that others' are pathetic enough to believe.
And, adding to that, I think that Jack would have a hard time understanding Baki and his relationship with Kozue. Baki and Kozue have been there for each other, showing true love, something that Jack's never had. Jack eventually learns to respect Baki, after some trial and error throughout the series, but he can't seem to understand why someone like Baki would believe in something as fictional as love.
Moving on from that, I think that Jack's childhood developed this sense of disgust toward love and just being vulnerable in general. I mean, imagine being born to a woman who was raped by the man she was supposed to kill, that's obviously not going to be the best childhood.
I can't imagine that Diane, Jack's mama, would ever show him such motherly love that's expected from a mama to her son. I think that's partially because of how Jack was conceived and her personality. Diane, whether it was a part of her persona as 'Jane' or not, was portrayed as a cold woman who had little regard for human life, and I can't see how she'd ever show warmth toward Jack when he was young.
While we don't know much about Jack's childhood or what happened to Diane later on in her life, I'm assuming that she never pursued relations with any other man, seeing as Yuujiro's actions caused her such distress. This means that Jack never grew up with a father figure present in his life, rather than his absent father, Yuujiro.
I'd assume that Diane would never speak nicely of Yuujiro, seeing as he raped her, and it was her original intention to kill him. Because children are like sponges, Jack probably absorbed all of Diane's hatred and general negativity towards his father, as he should, and internalized this anger.
Overall, Jack's situation growing up left no room for him to experience what love looked like, in a healthy manner. He never had parents who lead a good example, keeping him in the dark about any positives of being in a relationship. And that's what I think the root is for his distaste for being vulnerable, and the idea of being in a relationship with another.
Not only that, but I think that his mama's rape only caused Jack to view sex in a negative light, seeing that's how he was conceived. Now, I don't think that Jack is repulsed by sex in general, but I just think that he doesn't find it as welcoming (?) as other men would. I'm not too sure how to phrase it, but it's just not appealing to him, compared to most men.
However, that changes when he meets you, you, you.
There's no such thing as 'love at first sight' to Jack. He has to know a person for a year or so before he even considers having a lengthy conversation with them, where he actually puts a little effort into speaking with them. Jack's a very closed-off individual who has severe trust issues, as most figures do, and he can't open up to someone he's known for a short time.
This means that for you to catch his attention, that means that there's something special that he saw, whether you notice it or not doesn't matter. Jack saw something in you. Maybe it was how transparent you were, possibly your wisdom, it doesn't matter too much.
(little side tangent)
Though I do see Jack enjoying a partner who's similar to a therapist, someone with a lot of advice to give, someone with a shit ton of wisdom. An observer would be a good fit for Jack, they don't have to be studious or very loud, and he doesn't mind either. It's just that he needs someone who can read him easily because Jack has his own language of sorts (@yandere-writer-momo has discussed this in some of her posts).
It's odd because Jack is oh so blunt, but he holds back whenever it comes to his emotions, wanting to avoid being vulnerable. He doesn't hesitate to threaten someone or tell them that he doesn't like him, he doesn't have a problem with that. But whenever he finds you pretty, or likes the dress you're wearing, even if he thinks you're not taking care of yourself, he'll always phrase it in a "brutish" way.
Instead of saying "Your hair looks nice today" or "Have my jacket, you look cold," instead, he'll say "Did you do something to your hair? It doesn't look like shit today" or "You're built like a stick, you should work out more" as he hands you his jacket (more so throwing it over your shoulders and walking away).
And that's why he needs someone who can read through his insulting behavior, knowing that he's just shielding himself from appearing weak. Being observant is a requirement to having a successful relationship with Jack, and possibly with most of the men in Baki. All of them are so emotionally constipated, that they need someone who can read them like a book to actually have a progressive relationship.
Because of your ability to allow him to open up without words he knows attached, always thinking about you, you, you. He needs to protect you, the one person who understands him on a different level than everyone else. You're able to calm him down with a simple nod, practically telling him that you understood what he was trying to say. You don't just see him as the son of Yuujiro Hanma or as the man who's ruined his body with steroids and intense training techniques, instead, you see him as Jack.
The initial attraction he had toward you, when you first crossed paths, was more superficial than what I was talking about in the previous paragraph. It's most likely a simple case of curiosity that drew him to you. You somehow stood apart from others, causing his eyes to drift to you every time he scanned a crowd. It's possible that you were overly positive, keeping a smile on your face no matter what, or you were oddly quiet, silently observing everyone.
It could've just been your looks that made you attractive! Though Jack is emotionally stunted, even he can appreciate a nice piece of ass!
Either way, throughout the time and as your relationship progresses, the more you two talk, the more he begins to respect your character. Jack begins to see you for who you are and understands that you see him the way he sees you. (sorry that was a confusing sentence lol)
I'm not too sure if any of you have seen the movie Avatar, but in the movie, they use the phrase 'I see you,' and I think that it fits Jack's personality perfectly. It's more than love to Jack, and he likely doesn't even comprehend that it's love in the first year or so. It's something deeper than that, it's understanding each other on a primal level. Jack doesn't just understand your body and how it moves, or what to do to get it going, he understands how you think, and how you feel. But not in a weird way, in a loving way, y'know?
The two of you are like other halves, you'd have to be for Jack to pursue you. Jack has to know that you're meant for him. He's never even considered dating another person, let alone revealing himself to someone else.
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neonghostlights · 1 year
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Rockstar!Eddie Munson x Actress!Reader (best friends to lovers-slow burn)
★ A/N: Short little chapter. I'm so excited to knock this tour out of the way because this tour will act as a catalyst to some big drama between the two of them and really kick off their story.
★ Series Summary: It’s the ‘90s in LA and you and your best friend Eddie have both made it big. The following is a series of Interviews, News Reports and One Shots showing you and Eddie’s story throughout the years.
★ Chapter Summary: You tell Eddie goodbye before he leaves for tour. You’re reminded of the day you and Eddie left Hawkins for LA. Gareth reminds you what Eddie and the rest of the band will be doing on tour. And a phone call.
★ Warnings: Cussing, Mention of Groupies, Reader is followed by paparazzi, Little bit of angst, Death of a grandparent/parental figure, Eddie refers to reader as Sweetheart, 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI
★ Word count: 2.9k
Series Masterlist
Chapter Two: See You Later
August 1990
The past month had been a whirlwind. 
Your movie was released in July. You didn’t like looking at reviews and what critics had to say because, well, they were usually very critical. 
Margie, though, had no problem shoving them in your face. 
“This says your performance was magnificent!” She exclaimed, forcing  the paper at you as you tried your best to drink your morning coffee the same day the reviews started rolling in. 
You didn’t know if managers were usually as hands on as Margie, but whatever she did behind the scenes worked apparently. 
The rise to even more fame came with more eyes on you. You had been popular with your last role and had gained quite the fan base. But this one seemed to propel you even more into the public eye. 
You finally had to cave in and hire a personal assistant named Miles. He was nice and all. But not being able to get your own groceries really busted your spirit sometimes. 
A week or so after this most recent  movie was released, you slipped on your usual disguise of sneakers, a hoodie, and sunglasses to run to your local supermarket. The outfit was fail proof and you had never been recognized before. Each time you did this, you felt like a super spy on a secret mission. 
The vultures must have been looking for you. Or maybe the stars were aligned weird that day.  Or maybe you forgot to tip someone and it threw off your karma. Either way, they found you. 
You had just put a bag of apples into your cart, and were headed to pick up the last item on your list when you felt the air shift. Goosebumps broke out on the back of your neck. 
You didn’t realize, at first, what that feeling meant. Brushing it off, you finished your shopping and strolled back home without a second thought. 
They had followed you throughout the store, snapping pictures without you even realizing it. They even got some interesting shots of sniffing some body wash and inspecting a package of strawberries to make sure they weren’t mushy at the bottom. 
You had felt so violated when you saw the photos posted in a gossip magazine that labeled you as someone that was ‘picky’ based off of your shopping habits. How the hell was making sure what you paid for was what you wanted considered picky? It was the first harsh thing you had really seen about yourself in a magazine and you had the sneaking suspicion that it was just the beginning. 
You tried to remind yourself that maybe things would go back to semi normal once the hype around the movie died down some. When you mentioned that to Margie she just scoffed at you and asked, “Why the hell would you want that?” 
You really hadn’t meant to get famous. Unlike Eddie, who had wanted this for as long as he could remember. 
You just wanted to pay the bills. 
Speaking of Eddie, he was leaving for his six long month tour today. 
And you were headed to go see him before he left. 
There used to be a time when you and Eddie were never separated. It was to the point that when he got his penthouse, he tried to get you to move in with him. He even had a room set up for you. You hadn’t realized he intended for you to live with him until he started to ask you about paint colors for your room. 
That was when he had just started to get into the rockstar lifestyle. And you didn’t want to be around when he brought girls home. So, after months of couch surfing together and sleeping in the back of the van, you went your separate ways. 
Even though you lived apart, you and Eddie still at least spoke almost every day. You knew he would do his best to call you when he was on tour but you were also realistic about it. He would get busy. You would get busy. Life would happen. 
The last tour he did was only three months long. They weren’t as popular then so it wasn’t so hard to keep in touch. 
Now Corroded Coffin and Eddie Munson were household names. 
Take that Hawkins, Indiana and anyone else who ever doubted him. 
You remember the day four years ago that Eddie asked you to leave with him to come to LA. He had been blabbering about leaving for months, especially after what had happened to him at prom. But you never thought he was serious. 
You had been working at the local gas station then for under minimum wage, trying to keep up with the bills for the trailer. You didn’t feel right about leaving your grandma so you didn’t go to college like you had originally planned. 
She ended up dying a month after you left Hawkins. It still felt like it was your fault even though everyone told you repeatedly that it wasn’t.
Eddie had stopped by the gas station and asked you to come over to the trailer that night after you got off work. You argued with him originally, since your feet hurt and you wanted to shower. But he was persistent. You noticed that gleam in his eye that usually meant he was concocting something in his head so it made you curious and kind of scared. 
When you opened his trailer door, without knocking of course, you were greeted by Eddie standing in the living room with both hands behind his back. 
“What are you doing?” You asked, suspicious that this was a prank of his. The way he was standing made you wonder if he was holding some type of feral animal behind him that he was going to try to talk you into co-parenting. 
“I have a very serious question to ask you, sweetheart,” he said in an even tone. 
If it was some sort of animal then he would have already shoved it in your face by now. 
“Yes?” You asked breathlessly, taking a step towards him. You didn’t know why but your heart had started to flutter and it was harder to breathe. Working on your feet all day must have really worn you out.  
“I know you’re probably going to think this is crazy. You probably think I’m crazy,” he rambled, running a hand through his hair. 
You nodded, urging him to continue. 
“But will you please come to LA with me while I try to get famous?” He blurted out. 
“What?” You asked, taken aback by his question. 
“I really don’t want to be alone and I think Corroded Coffin really has a chance. We just need to put ourselves out there. And I need you to keep me in line. If I go out there on my own then I know I’ll mess this up somehow. Plus, I’ll be so lonely and I’ll just want to come home if you stay in this shit-” 
“Eddie, stop. I can’t go out there with you. And you won't be lonely if the whole band is going with you,” you tried to reason with him. 
“Fine. Desperate times call for desperate measures,” he said coolly before he dropped on his knees in front of you and wrapped both his arms around your legs, anchoring you in place. 
“You want me to beg? Because I’ll beg,” he yelled while you tried to fight him off. 
“Eddie, stop! You’re acting like a child,” you scolded through clenched teeth while you tried to kick him. You couldn’t move your legs enough though to get a good hit. He was holding on too tight. 
“Stop kicking me and just listen!” He screamed. His long arms caging your legs in even tighter. 
“I’m not listening because it’s dumb. You want me to quit my job and drive across the country with you? What about my grandma?” You asked through gritted teeth. 
Eddie sighed and stood up off the ground. He grabbed both of your hands, looking into your eyes. Anyone else would think that this is the look of a lover, but no, it’s just the way Eddie looks at you. Nothing more. 
“Wayne can check on your grandma. You act like she’s sick or something. That woman moves around better than I do. Last week she chased the neighbor's kid around the park with a broom for throwing rocks. Give it a year. If I don’t make it big in a year then I promise I will bring you back to Hawkins. I can’t do this without you.”
He always knew just what to say to you. What he said about your grandma was true. She wasn’t in poor health but how were you supposed to just leave the woman who had taken care of you since you were little? She was the only parent you ever had. 
“I see those wheels turning in your head,” Eddie commented with a smirk. 
“Just a year?” You asked with a raised brow. 
Eddie took the question as a yes. His cheers could probably be heard all across the trailer park. He jumped up and down so hard that the floor shook. The breath wooshed out of your lungs as he grabbed you and hugged you tightly. 
“This is going to be so much fucking fun!” 
The car pulling into the meeting spot drew your attention away from your memories. Those times felt like a completely different life. Back when you and Eddie were just two trailer park kids with nothing but big dreams ahead of them. 
The big sleek tour bus loomed over you as you climbed out the backseat. You paused to let the paid driver know that you’ll be back in just a bit. 
All of the guys were standing outside the bus, bags by their feet as they goofed off with each other, looking really excited. 
Eddie grinned and ran towards you with open arms when he saw you. 
“We’re going on tour, baby!!” He yelled. 
You laughed as he nearly knocked you off your feet when he plowed into you. 
“This isn’t your first tour, Eddie,” you reminded him. 
“I know but it’s the biggest. I mean look at this bus. We definitely didn’t have this last time.”
“Lots of room for activities,”  Gareth said as he approached, giving you a quick hug. 
You rolled your eyes at him. 
“I don’t want to hear about your activities,” you said as you slapped his arm. 
Jeff and Grant made their way over too, both giving you hugs.
“I’m going to be so bored without all of you here,” you complained to Jeff. 
“Yeah, right. You’re a big star now too. You’ll have plenty to do around here,” Jeff teased as he nudged your shoulder.
“It’s not the same though. I-”
“Come with me,” Eddie blurted out, cutting you off mid sentence. 
“What?” You asked, looking around the group confused on who he was talking to. 
“Come with us on tour,” he explained. “It’ll be fun. Like when we drove out to California and we both had to sleep in the back of the van. But bigger.”
You thought about saying yes. You didn’t have any roles lined up right now. Your agents and Margie had been keeping their eyes out for some good fits but who knew what that would happen. Show business could be funny sometimes. You were sure there would be a phone for you to access while on the road. And if something came up, you could always fly back to LA to audition or do whatever Margie needed you to do. 
It would be hard but it would be worth it. 
You had the image in your head, you and Eddie on the road again. Bickering and goofing off the way only you two could. You could watch him play live and do the thing he loved to do. You wouldn’t just have to see your best friend’s face in magazines or on those celebrity gossip shows. 
The word ‘yes’ was on the tip of your tongue, ready to be released into the world. 
“Do you really want a chick on the bus when we bring back groupies, man?” Gareth asked. 
Your heart shattered. You think if you looked you could see the pieces of it on the parking lot pavement; scattered around your feet. 
Eddie looked at Gareth like he was going to kill him. There was an awkward pause where no one said anything. Like Gareth had just released some big secret you weren’t aware of. 
“I can’t anyways. Margie would kill me if I’m not available for an interview or audition,” you offered, hoping to cool off some of the white hot tension radiating from Eddie. 
Jeff and Grant shared a look before Jeff gave you a pitying look and a tight smile. You wanted to ask him what that look was for. You were fine. Everything was fine. 
Eddie was going to argue. You knew he would. 
“Let’s go, guys!” Corroded Coffin’s manager, Don, yelled from the foot of the tour bus. He waved his arms drastically to try to get them moving. 
“Have fun. Be careful” You gave them all a smile before you started to back away. 
Gareth looked a little guilty, or maybe scared of what Eddie was going to say to him once they were in a confined space together. They all walked away, climbing into the bus. Except for Eddie who still stood in front of you. 
You waited for him to deny what Gareth had said about the groupies and ask you to come with him again. Maybe he would get down on his knees and beg again like he did five years ago. All he had to do was say all those kind words to you and you would be putty in his hands. 
But he didn’t. He simply pulled you in for a one armed hug. 
“Bye, Eds. I’ll see you later.”
“Bye, Sweetheart.”
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October 1990
“Hey! It’s Eddie,” his voice came loudly through the phone. 
It has been two months since you last spoke to Eddie. He hadn’t called you at all like he promised except for once. And that call ended three seconds after he said hello. He didn’t try to call back after that. 
“Hey,” you said, leaning against your living room wall. 
“I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch. Things have just been really busy here. I got you some souvenirs though,” Eddie said. You could hear it in the background, the sound of loud voices and shuffling. They were getting ready to party. 
Eddie’s voice held that rasp that seemed to happen after he had just played a show. You wanted to reach through the phone and grab him. It had been so isolating here on your own. You barely left your place unless it was for work and the only people you spoke to on a daily basis were Margie and Miles. They weren’t your friends though, it was only business. 
“It’s okay. I’ve been busy too.” Not a lie. You had two interviews and an audition since Eddie had been gone. Still, it would have been nice to hear something from him. Even a voicemail would be nice. 
“I bet,” He cleared his throat. “Listen, I’ve been thinking…a lot. I know right now over the phone isn’t  the best but if I let myself think about it I’ll go crazy. When I get back do you wanna-” 
“Who are you talking to, Eddie? Thought you didn’t have anyone waiting for you at home,” You heard a woman's voice purr on the other end. 
“I don’t,” he replied to them. You pressed the phone harder to your ear to eavesdrop on their conversation. “Just talking to a friend.” 
Your stomach twisted and you didn’t know why. It wasn’t news that you and Eddie were just friends. You had never wanted to be anything more. So why did hearing him say this hurt so bad?
It’s not like Gareth hadn’t let you know exactly what Eddie would be up to during his time away. 
You didn’t blame him for it. He was young and on top of the world. He should enjoy the freedom. 
You could enjoy your freedom too. Live like the rest of the celebrities live. It wasn’t like there weren’t men interested in you. They just never lived up to the high standard in your head. 
Maybe it was time to lower that standard a bit and just have fun. 
You didn’t wait to hear what else the stranger had to say to him now that she knew you were no one important to him. In your head you imagined she was beautiful. The perfect woman for Eddie to spend time with. Unlike you, who was wearing an old Hawkins High t-shirt and sweatpants. 
Margie had repeatedly told you how wanted you were, how desired. She said the only thing holding you back now was your self consciousness. You wondered if you let that go and fully leaned into the celebrity lifestyle that you  had been trying to avoid, would life be more fun? Would you feel better when you let it all go? 
You hung the phone up, not waiting to say goodbye. You expected Eddie to call back and apologize for the interruption. But time ticked on and before you knew it an hour had gone by, and the phone never rang again. 
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charlesf1leclerc · 10 months
The Leclerc family
Now we have every member of the Leclerc family for now unless I choose to add another kid or someone else later on I thought I would give a little description of the life of each kid.
I’ve been following these ideas for each kid when I wrote each fic as I feel like having a bit of a background really makes the character 
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Indy Jules is by far the sweetest of the children. You wouldn’t say she’s introverted as she knew how to speak her opinion and boss her siblings around but she did seem like an introvert when standing next to the Leclerc siblings. She always helped out around the house and wanted to help her mum in whatever way possible. Indy loved her dancing and gymnastics she was very good at it as well. She was also the most fashionable person in the family she must of gotten that from you, she loved to look her best all the time and loved to dress just like her mum. Jules was a Gemini being born in June. She is a mummy’s girl and loves to follow her mum around and be just like her. Indy was also very talented at playing the piano as Charles had been teaching her for most of her life. Indy’s favrouite colour was light blue, he favrouite season was Spring and she loves bunnies and ducks. She wants to be a professional dancer when she grows up and you and Charles are doing all you can to support her in that. Unlike her other siblings her favrouite uncle is Lorenzo as he matched her energy better than Arthur. She enjoyed school and it wasn’t a problem to get her to participate and complete her homework. She really was an easy first child.
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Sicily was the middle child of the leclercs but by no means was she ignored. She was a crazy Virgo she loved to run and rough around with her friends and her brother. She was less of a fashionista she loved to dress herself and could care less what she looked like as long as she got to run around in it. Sicily was definitely taking after her dad she enjoyed watching cars and sports she was always eager to go to as many of Charles racing events as possible. Charles was excited for the day they could put her in karting and build her career in racing. As of right now Sicily was enrolled in soccer and she was loving it, as well as the fact she was very good at it sure it was only junior soccer but everyone knew there was a talent their. Sicily loved all animals , the colour green and she loved the outdoors always insisting on trips to the park to hang upside down on the monkey bars , or climbing a tree whenever she got the chance. Her favourite uncle was by far Arthur she loved to rough around with him Sicily was also the most talkative child of the three always speaking her opinion in a sense she had very little filter. Sometimes Indy wonders if she has two brothers instead of a brother and a sister as the two younger siblings are very similar. 
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Remy was the youngest and only boy of the leclercs. He was loving but wild just like his middle sister he loved running around and he would climb on anything and everything. He loved dinosaurs and cars as a typical boy. Of course Charles was in love with the fact two out of three of his kids were obsessed with racing as he was excited that they were following his passion. Remy loved sweets he would often spend time baking with you any type of cake or biscuit although most of the batter was normally eaten after. Even though he was super crazy he was not your craziest,  child that went to Sicily as he was still super soft and loving, he loved cuddles on the couch at night and he enjoyed telling everyone in his family how much he loved them. He was the only child who had inherited Charles curls it’s seems and you loved taking care of them and styling his hair just as much as Remy did. Remy was an energetic Aries, he loved the colour green and blue, and at this stage in his life he was obsessed with any animal he could find , he was obsessed with bring snails and bugs in claiming them as pets until you and Charles explained that their home was outside. He was majorly addicted to anything dinosaur one day he plans on meeting a dinosaur you weren’t sure how but let the kid dream. His favrouite uncle like his uncle was Lorenzo as although Lorenzo was quite mellow he felt comfortable around Lorenzo as he was the calm to his crazy. Currently he was very involved in tennis as it got the energy out but also it wasn’t a team sport as although he was wild Remy was still learning to be comfortable engaging in conversation with someone other then his Mum, Dad and sisters so tennis was the perfect sport for him and there was no doubt in the fact he was good at it as everyone in the Leclerc family had those sporting genes in them. 
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padfootdaredmetoo · 1 year
hi! i'd like to ask a one shot on thomas shelby in which y/n is a girl in her early 20's who's his girlfriend. lately he's been super busy with work and they haven't spent much quality time together. during one of his dinners at arrow house she purposely acts flirty with some of the male guests just to make tommy jealous and get a reaction out of him. it works and after dinner he confronts her about it but she acts clueless. they have an "argument" during which he understands she actually did that on purpose. that soon turns into a heated makeout session cause they're both craving for each other and where he gets kinda "possessive" (in a good way).
thanks :)
Hey Love!
Thank you for the request! I hope you enjoy it. The ending is a bit different, hope that's alright. I also may have thrown in more than kissing...
An extra super duper big thank you to @theshelbyslimited not only did Cass approve this outline and get me motivated to write it she also cooked up the best line in the story!
Warnings: smut, spanking, possessive dom, nothing super descriptive (compared to my other stuff), mentions of potential cheating, sad childhood vibes.
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You woke up and sighed heavily at the neat blankets on the other side of your bed. Well, your boyfriend's bed. You looked around the massive room and felt a dreadful feeling start to creep up the back of your neck again. The hangover you had was making the room spin slightly as blood pounded in your ears.  
You and Thomas had been going out for almost 7 months. You had nothing personal at his house as you rarely slept there. Most of the time was spent at your flat in London. You’d spent the night last night because everyone was too drunk to drive you home. 
You rolled over onto your side running your hands over the silky sheets, missing your bed back home. Remembering that the big charity gala was tonight you realized you would need to get home soon in order to be ready in time. 
You moved to the bathroom and then pulled on last night's dress. 
Your head was pounding as you moved down the stairs. Walking down the hall you heard a sound that made your stomach drop. 
A very feminine giggle escaped from Thomas’s office. You knew you should barge in there, all of Esme’s warnings flashed before you. A feeling that had been stuck inside you since childhood started to take over making you feel small and worthless. 
Stupid man. 
You knocked on the office door. 
“Come in.” Tom’s voice called out quickly. He was sitting at his desk looking unamused at his guest who was thankfully fully dressed and sat opposite to him. 
He introduced you and you immediately disliked the woman lounging in the chair. She was sprawled out looking much too comfortable, but there was something off about her. Her gaze and smile were eerie. 
“Sorry to bother you, I should probably be off.” You siad keeping your voice neutral. 
“I’ll take you.” He gave you a nod. “Thanks for coming by Diana.” 
“I’ll tell Mosley you got the message. It was nice meeting you.” 
She left the room and a maid took her towards what you assumed was the front door. Mosley? Anything to do with him is an absolute problem. The man was twisted and the evil sensation that clung to her like a cloud suddenly made sense. 
However, the woman was young, blonde, and reminding you of Tommy’s late wife Grace. Your mind had already started to prepare you for the breakup. You were caught up in your thoughts and suddenly you were in the passenger seat on the way home.  
“You alright?” Tom asked eventually sliding his hand across the seat to grab yours. 
“We haven't spent a lot of time together.” You blurted out. It was easier than asking him if he was cheating.  You knew his reputation when you had started going out with him, it wouldn't be unlike him to break promises. 
“Been busy.” He shrugged. “Lots happening with work.” 
“Is Diana just for work?” You whispered unable to speak clearly.  
“Yes.” He answered seriously. “Do me a favor?” 
“What?”” you asked still trying to decide if you should trust his answer about Diana. 
“Wear the red dress tonight eh?” 
“Alright.” You said thoughts spinning. He kissed you and you ran up to your apartment wishing you had someone to talk to that wasn't related to him. 
You were late to the party but as you weren't engaged or married to Thomas it didn't really matter. No one took you very seriously anyway. 
You wore the red dress paired with an elegant diamond necklace he had gifted you for your birthday. They felt heavy resting on your neck. No matter how much you tried to reassure yourself that he was just busy with work, the pain in your stomach wouldn't budge. Walking up the steps you saw a couple flirting with each other on a balcony. 
Watching them laugh you had an excellent and horrible idea. Maybe you could make him jealous? Then he would pay more attention to you, while also confirming that he is faithful. 
You decided it should be fine as long as you were subtle and nothing got too out of hand. 
Scanning the room your eyes landed on Tom’s favorite business partner and you smiled. This was going to be fun. 
“You're late.” His voice caught you as you turned around. 
“Takes time to look this lovely.” You smiled up at him as Tom’s blue eyes devoured your appearance. 
“What a lie.” He kissed the top of your head and for a moment you felt like maybe you wouldn't need your plan. “I have to keep a close eye on Mosley. Try to keep yourself out of trouble.” He whispered in your ear as he held you in an embrace. To anyone else, you would have looked like two lovers sharing a moment. 
You couldn't help but frown as he pulled away from you and moved into the sitting room. He didn't even introduce you to anyone. You stood there awkwardly watching all the wealthy people, a great deal older than you laugh and socialize. 
You looked around for your original lifeline and caught him by the window with a disgruntled face. 
Once reaching him you enjoyed the exasperated sigh he let out. Tommy kept you far away from all things related to the business, but no matter how hard he tried you had ended up running into Alfie a great deal. 
“Alfie!” You said in a cheerful voice. His eyes looked you over for a moment and for some reason you felt he already knew what you were planning. 
“Here to piss off your man then?” 
“How did you - Never mind. You stay by me it will prevent you from having to talk to the rest of the people here.” 
“And make Thomas angry.” He said with a smile and a glint in his eye. He reached out his rough calloused hand for you to shake. 
The rest of the evening you held on to his arm and enjoyed the stories he told you. You didnt need to fake laugh because his description of Tommy in most of his stories was genuinely funny. 
You saw Tom's eyes land on you a few times throughout the night. Other times tipsy men would come up and try to steal you away from Alfie’s side making you all the more grateful for his presence. 
You didn't want to fight off all the creeps alone. Another reason to be angry at Thomas. 
The night passed quickly as you and Alfie chatted about family, history, the world, conflicts, and religion. You enjoyed his company and started to dread the end of the evening. 
But the time had come when he had to leave. He gave you a large bear hug and wished you the best of luck with a wink. 
The rest of the guests left including the family which you thought was odd. Normally for late parties like this, they would spend the night. 
Polly gave you a hug and told you how pretty you looked in your gown. 
“Certainly made an impression on Thomas! He’s kicking everyone out. Have a good night!” She kissed your cheek and winked at you. 
He kicked everyone out? Your stomach twisted, this wasn't going to go over well. 
Your goal was to go to bed next to him, but your prize was appearing to be more of a night on the couch.  
You stood in the dining room watching the drunk socialites stumble out of the house. He shook hands and thanked people, but soon it was empty. Just the two of you. 
You watched him look you over from the doorway to the dining room, eyes dark, expression shut down. You thought about being the first one to speak but decided against it. He was the one that started this whole situation. 
“Had a lot to say to Alfie tonight.” He said in a cold voice. 
“Well, sue me for actually enjoying someone listening to what I have to say, unlike a certain someone who’s barely spoken to me in a  fortnight” Your words were equally as cold despite not wanting to fight. 
“Ah, and Alfie listened to what you had to say eh?” He laughed darkly. 
“Yes, he even did me the favour of keeping the creeps away. Should hire him for every-” Something flashed in his eyes preventing you from finishing your sentence. He caught you off guard by coming towards you. He walked towards you with such confidence and anger you had to fight your instinct to run away. 
His hands raised towards you and you flinched. You were relived to feel the nature of his touch was not something to run from. His hand squeezed the back of your neck tightly, forcing your lips up towards his mouth. 
His lips crashed against yours with passion and you let him take what he wanted. His other hand gripped your rib cage holding you in place.
"Mine." He breathed between kisses making your heart feel like it was about to explode.
You kissed him back feeling yourself start to slip away. He kissed down your neck, and suddenly your dress slipped down your body. Your mind briefly wondered when he got the buttons and zipper undone - all mysteries were banished as he tuned you around. He pushed you against the table and you shivered when your breasts pressed against the cold polished wood of the table. 
His hand came down on your ass hard enough that the sound bounced around the empty space. Pain and pleasure ran through you like electricity. 
“Don’t. You. Ever.” He said in between blows. “Go. Looking. For. Someone. Else. To Listen.” 
Embarrassment flooded your face as you felt the wetness between your legs begin to drip down your thighs. 
Looking up at the large space, knowing that any of the staff might wonder in caused a weird sort of chaos to swirl in your veins.
“I - I Won’t” You breathed. You expected another round, still unsure of why this was making you so turned on. His hand gently caressed the red flesh. 
“Please.” You whimpered with tears starting to spill over on your cheeks. He didn't waste any more of your time. He took you roughly on the table. Relentlessly forcing orgasms from your body. When you felt spent and overstimulated his words would soothe you back into doing exactly what he wanted and needed. 
Eventually, he wore himself out and you laid there on your back looking up at the chandelier, mind only processing the twinkles in the crystal. Your whole body was floating and you couldn't really think well enough to sort out what was going on. 
You felt rested. He laid on the table next to you, out of breath with his chest heaving. 
“You on the table like that really brings the room together.” He said with a smile on his face. You remember his family's hate for the room and let out a laugh.
"I'm sorry," he said after a long while.
"What?" You must have imagined him saying it because there was no way Thomas Shelby would be apologizing to you. He never apologized for anything - ever.
"I'm sorry, for being busy. For the party - and well -" his voice trailed off.
"Oh don't have to apologize for that." You laughed. His eyes roamed over your body and he rolled onto his side placing a softer kiss on your lips.
After that he carried you up to bed, settling himself next to you.
@theshelbyslimited Thank you again for “Well, sue me for actually enjoying someone listening to what I have to say, unlike a certain someone who’s barely spoken to me in a fortnight”
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